Week 4 update on carnivore Diet | Before and After | Plus embarrassing moments | #carnivore

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It’s my 4 week update since I switched from a Whole Food Plant Based Vegan diet to the CARNIVORE diet. This whole journey …

20 replies
  1. Sarah K
    Sarah K says:

    Hey! First time viewer of your channel and it's nice to see someone with similar stats (starting weight, etc). I can also totally relate to the food situations that come up, like smelling the candy. I am a recovering sugar/carb addict as well. You give me encouragement to stick with it!!

  2. yupmsblk
    yupmsblk says:

    I start carnivore tomorrow but have been doing keto and last night, I was almost in tears because I wanted pizza so badly. Don't beat up on yourself. We're human. Stop calling yourself dramatic, you're not! You're having a very human response to cravings. They are real! Addictions cause emotional responses. Not dramatic. Human!

  3. ChronicallyCarnivore
    ChronicallyCarnivore says:

    I once watched my mother give up sugary foods for a month. Her method was to put whatever cake or cookies she wanted into the freezer so she could savor the idea that they were still there for when the month was over. At the end of the month, you guessed it, she binged the whole pile. It can't have tasted very good, but to each their own. Sugar addiction is a terrible foe in those kinds of moments.

    Congrats to you for taking charge and doing the hard thing now in giving it all up. For my mother, it took watching her diabetic father suffocate to death as all his organs shut down and her own cancer scare to finally get her to take things seriously. She worked on food and diet with a doctor and dietitian while going on a massive dose of metformin, and it worked for a time, but as her thyroid has stopped working so have the strategies she used to use. Now it has progressed to using ozempic and eating meat and veggies only with lots of exercise but she still can't control her blood sugar. I'm hoping I can be an inspiration to her to make things easier on herself. You can rest assured that no matter the frustrations you encounter, you're still an inspiration to the rest of us!

  4. Becky Mueller
    Becky Mueller says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. God bless you! Hi, my name is Becky, and I’m a sugar addict. It’s been hard but I haven’t had sugar since March 20. One day at a time sweetie. ❤️👋🙌🥩 I wear blinders on the way to the meat department 😂😢. Don’t be embarrassed! ❤

  5. netty062
    netty062 says:

    Four years eating mostly carnivore (90%) this summer and I still struggle. Currently I am on day 3 clean, lol. It is forever an issue for me. In four years I think my maximum straight carnivore is only 2 weeks. My husband also doesn't have the problem and so sugar is in the house occasionally. Oh and a tip for you when you're in a pickle, so to speak…cook two fried eggs. That will get me just about through anything when I'm on. This works when you're at home or someone's house. If you're out and about, I will bring two hard boiled eggs. I also have made my own jerky in my dehydrator in the past. It's amazing, just salt on inside round cut thinly by my local Foodland. Just so you know, in my first two years, I went from my starting weight of 188 down to 141 (my goal was 150, which I had never seen in my whole adult life! So Carnivore really works!) 56 yo female. Current weight: 163. (Just being real). Cheering you on 100%

  6. GregT
    GregT says:

    Even after a year on carnivore every now, and then, I still get the craving, big time just like you did. It is your mind/body in coordination, causing the craving. Just by thinking about the sweets you can cause an insulin production in your body. So don’t be so hard on yourself. You did the right thing you stuck it out and just keep doing that when the cravings come good luck.

  7. Theresa Stuppiello
    Theresa Stuppiello says:

    Hi K – you are going to see a bump in subscribers tonight. I had Kerry from HomeSteadHow give your channel a shout out. His channel is a great carnivore source of info, entertainment and encouragement all things carnivore. Best of luck.

  8. Stay Strong, Live Long
    Stay Strong, Live Long says:

    Hey Katerina – I'm over here as a new subscriber on your channel after the shoutout on the Homestead How channel. I was definitely a sweet things addict too. Looking forward to seeing your channel grow and hearing more about your journey.

  9. Lisa Brandenburg
    Lisa Brandenburg says:

    I heard you mention that you have bladder pain. Have you been tested for Interstitial cystitis? I have this and cutting any food that is high in acid resolves the majority of it. Like 99% also I struggle with sugar addiction. It is absolutely horrible for me and I am struggling with it.

  10. Theresa Stuppiello
    Theresa Stuppiello says:

    Keep it going Katerina. I get a bit frustrated too when I don't see the scale going down faster than I'd like, but what's that saying. 'Slow and steady wins the race'. I started carnivore in keto-vore in May then switched to carnivore in June. Started at 272 lbs at 5'6". Down 22 lbs so far, so at 250 now. The one item I struggle with, beer. I love a few cold beers on the weekend. I have found a beer with 1.5 carbs in 1 can so I do allow myself them as a treat on weekends. Will be watching your progress. You look great.

  11. Wanda St louis
    Wanda St louis says:

    Your doing great keep going and your body composition has changed alot like the down to earth vibe I get cause we are all human got to take the good with the bad that's life journey ❤


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