Week 4 August 30 day Carnivore Challenge Live Zoom call

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We do weekly Zoom Q&A and accountability sessions with the How To Carnivore 30 day Carnivore Challenge. These also come …

23 replies
  1. mick m
    mick m says:

    To Mary. As someone else said.. HISTAMINE ISSUES. For whatever reason. Lamb is not aged and not much in lamb fat. Get enough salt too. You can try some sole water I started with lamb and added beef several times a week as a treat. I do 1 day low histamine of just chicken thigh, no skin! And then lamb fat

  2. Antoine Blondin
    Antoine Blondin says:

    Question : why does my libido plummets and becomes inexistent when I do strict carnivore, contrary to what many testimonials say, boasting of high T levels ? I was compelled to reintroduce low carbs. Otherwise I was just neuteured.

  3. Brenda Kemp
    Brenda Kemp says:

    Hi Anthony. I had my son doing carnivore. He is getting bored with just meat. He is overweight and most likely pre-diabetic if not D2 already. He has lost weight and brain fog gone. He said he started eating carbs. Although not alot. He was told he has a fatty liver. Not sure how to encourage him to keep going without turning him off. He's 5'10" and was 240. Was told he needs to lose 70. He is big boned.

  4. Helena Lovelock
    Helena Lovelock says:

    I’m wondering if the lady with itching / hives with fats carnivore may have a sluggish gallbladder making it harder to digest fats and also it the bile backing up. I’m no expert but Dr Berg has mentioned this before he says the bile can back up causing itching. He suggests using a form of bile salts called TUDCA to emulsify and help digest the fats and unsludge gallbladder. I had problems with horrendous itching of hands and feet when starting carnivore and increased fat consumption I tried TUDCA and it helped. It may have been coincidental but may have helped. Just thought I would mention incase it did help 💕💕💕

  5. sam d
    sam d says:

    I had the same as mary when i did my carnivore month. I felt super tired 10 minutes after every meal. I also had rash in my inner elbow (i deduce it was probably keto rash). I eated porc, fish and mostly beef and eggs. No spices except for black pepper and salt.

    I ended up doing Omad on he last 2 week since i have to drive an hour to get to work. Didn't want do die in a car accident.

    I still eat more meat than a regular person and never suffer from either of these problem.

    Loved the diet overall anyway and i will do it again in a near futur for sure.

  6. Omega-Beast
    Omega-Beast says:

    My blood pressure changed one month in Carnivore. No longer took medication after 1.5 months in Carnivore. I was checking my blood pressure 3 times a day after that first month. If my blood pressure was high then I would take the pill. If it wasn't, then I would skip it or I was dealing with low blood pressure. After two weeks of checking. I weaned my self off the meds. I no longer need them. And that's straight Carnivore. I didn't start exercising until after 3 months. Until after I got my diet right. And I used a detailed journal

  7. Dean McQuillan
    Dean McQuillan says:

    I wouldn’t worry about the morning blood glucose. I did a blow test for ketones yesterday and both me and my son read at 0 when we woke. After a little walk we both registered with ketones me 3.5 and my son 2.1. Which made much more sense.

  8. Denise Ragona
    Denise Ragona says:

    Dr. Chaffee. I noticed the same with my sugar. Usually around 95-100 🤷‍♀️. My A1C is always 5 or 5.1. My cholesterol went way up 🙄😂. Total Cholesterol is 265, LDL 145 and Non Cholesterol is 158. But my triglycerides are 54 and HDL is 109. What do you think about the sugar and cholesterol? Btw, my CAC is 0. Thank you

  9. poetreenmocean
    poetreenmocean says:

    To Mary – My son had a similar problem when he started Carnivore. You may already know this but – aging meat increases the amount of histamine it contains. I don't know if your buffalo etc. is aged but histamine levels start rising right away. From one steak to the next – or serving of tallow (it also builds in histamine, we learned) the amounts can very and I'm not sure you can know for sure. Maybe some of the meals are higher than others – so some meals may be past a "tipping point" for you. Freezing meat and cooking from frozen (we used an air fryer) can help. Storing fat i freezer as well. Histamine doesn't build up in frozen meat (as far as we are aware). "Ribeye Rach has links to a few companies that do not age their meat – she's a great resource. Dr. Baker advised us in a consult that activity after eating can help your body clear histamine more quickly – this helped my son. Maybe the period when you reintroduced some plants and were less strict ultimately did bother you a bit, so that's reflected in overall higher histamine and sensitivity? Whatever it is, for my son anyway, he did continue to heal even while eating conventional beef. He managed the reactions, and they became less frequent and now are almost 100 percent gone. I speculate that if we could have afforded the unaged meat, he'd have healed much faster – freezing everything did seem to help. Butter was a problem for him – he loved Kerry Gold but when he took it out, he had another big jump in his healing. Your symptoms reminded me of what he went through so I thought I would mention this just in case it could help. I was surprised that even tallow and beef fat can build histamine – again, freezing it in serving sizes seemed to help a lot.

  10. coffeemachtspass
    coffeemachtspass says:

    On that question about insulin resistance. Bart Kay has a very different take than most on IR. He considers it to be completely transient, not persistent. He says that IR is about having the Randle Cycle stimulated by having excess energy available to the cells, so cells lock out the more dangerous form of energy: glucose. Bart doesn’t seem overly concerned at all about IR.

    I’m not a physiologist, so I may have misunderstood him and mangled the explanation. Look him up though to hear his thoughts.

  11. Majestic Gemini
    Majestic Gemini says:

    To blood pressure guest, I checked blood pressure after a year into carnivore, 124/84 120/84 120/80 keep eating carnivore also fast when you feel you are ready to fast, you want to be meat absorbed or fat adapted then fast gets easier to do, the process of health will hit fast someday, others will be slower just know the body is always healing

  12. SG 5 5
    SG 5 5 says:

    @Mary…your hive and rash issue is classic "Oxalate Dumping" symptoms from years of eating high oxalate foods. The high fat diet will dissolve the oxalate crystals faster and push them out of your body (skin, eye ducts, urine and waste), it is not the red meat or fat necessarily causing the issues, but they are cleaning your system. To slow this process you can go with a little leaner red meat for awhile. Also take magnesium citrate to help remove the oxalates from your kidneys. See videos by Sally K Norton.

    Also, your dumping symptoms will be worse in the morning because the body does "house cleaning" overnight during sleep and the rashes will arise in the morning hours because of it.

  13. SG 5 5
    SG 5 5 says:

    High fasting insulin numbers in the morning is because you consumed a high fat meal late in the day.

    According to our Circadian Rhythm, the best time to eat is in the morning between 7 and 9 a.m. (the Stomach Meridian time) and your last meal between Noon and 3 p.m. (Small Intestine Meridian). Do not eat after 3 p.m. and your fasting insulin will show improvement.

  14. michael stearns
    michael stearns says:

    I never eat a restaurant anymore..reason 1 is I ❤ cooking for myself..reason 2…you don't no what the hell people are doing to the food they serve you….could be spit….dropped food…I mean realy….great video everyone …


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