Week 128 Keto Update | Depression and anxiety struggles | Weight loss journey struggles #depression

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Hey guys! It certainly has been a while! But I am here. Back with another keto update for you guys. This is Week 128 of my keto …

28 replies
  1. Amie Watkins
    Amie Watkins says:

    I have never related to a video more. I love how raw and real you are, through the good and the bad, not sugar coating anything. I have been dealing with similar struggles, trying to get back into healthy eating habits, and this was literally the pep talk I needed so much. I was in tears by the end, girl. I am rooting for you and you are in my thoughts and prayers. You got this! No matter how many times you have to pick yourself back up, that is strength in and of itself, and it is what life is about, and what an amazing example you are setting for your children. They are going to grow up knowing how to get back up, how to fight through life's struggles, and know it's possible, no matter how hard or how many times life knocks you down. You are a warrior and you are raising little warriors. I hope you know that. Thank you so much for sharing such a vulnerable video with us. I think this will help more people than you realize. I know it helped me immensely, so again, thank you. Take the time you need, and do what makes you happy, we will still be here, whenever you upload when you are up to it, and take as many breaks as needed between videos. We understand. You need to be there for yourself first, and your family. We can always wait, as much as we love you and your content, we want you to have a full cup and be doing what's healthy and best for you too.

  2. Kathe Akaija
    Kathe Akaija says:

    I know when I would get below 20 net carbs per day I'd get depressed. It's a Seratonin, GABA thing…..I bumped up to 50 per day. Yes, the weight loss slowed a bit and I just sat with it and kept going…..added Intermittent Fasting and longer fasts which worked for me…
    Then, recently, I've reset, apparently, and now I can go below 20 grams with no low mood….and broke my 6 mo. plateau….
    Hope that might help!
    Be gentle with yourself!

  3. Toni Johnson
    Toni Johnson says:

    Great to see you, Stephy! Sorry you have been struggling. I've gone through periods of my life with depression. Totally dark periods. I'm wondering if your doctors have tested your Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy? I've discovered over the past few months that when yours is below 50, as a female, you can be very depressed, full of anxiety, and in a dark place. Dr. Boz is the one who suggested to get tested for that. I was surprised to see I was below 30 and I live in Arizona where there's lots of sunshine. So now I'm taking drops of these vitamins every day and it has helped me amazingly. I feel more "sunshine" inside of me. I'm not so negative and gloomy. I believe this has helped me a lot. Thank you for updating us on what has been going on with you. No worries about not posting a lot of videos for us. Take it slow. Heal. Feel better. Know that we are praying and supporting you to feel better. Take care!

  4. MamaSam
    MamaSam says:

    Steph, we started our YT journeys at around the same time. I remember us subbing to each other to support each other. Even tho our journeys r very different, they’re a lot alike in that we have to have very strong frames of mind. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder about a yr after my illness diagnosis. It can be the loneliest feeling in the world. Just know U R NOT ALONE. I’m so proud of u for coming this far and sticking with it. U have come a long way and even tho I don’t really comment on ur vids, just know one of ur OG yt friends is still checking in on u. 💕💕💕💕

  5. Mary Nickerson
    Mary Nickerson says:

    Stephy just take all the time you need. We will all be here when you return. The most important factor here is getting you feeling better. I will keep you in my prayers. Hugs girl.

  6. Stephanie Fox
    Stephanie Fox says:

    Oh my goodness! My sweet, sweet Stephy. I am so happy to see you. I don’t want to start throwing a whole lot of this and that out there, trying to offer advice and words of wisdom, and things of that nature. I just want you to know I am HAPPY to see you. To let you know YOU have been missed… YOU are LOVED by this community. I know that I will be here to watch any videos you’re able to put out. I will continue to pray for your strength and your health and your sweet family just as I’ve always done. God bless you lovely lady. Until I see you in the next one ❤

  7. mrsmc2612
    mrsmc2612 says:

    Beautifully lady addiction is a symptom of something deeper. Seek God for the real source. I am speaking from experience. You can be healed and do all things through Christ! Thank you for your faith and transparency.

  8. crazybyproxy
    crazybyproxy says:

    I'm newer here, good to hear you are getting your feet back under you. From personal life experience many of us forget to look after ourselves. I used to thrive on the chaos but as I've gotten older that has changed. It took so really over the top events to make me understand that I needed to be flexible enough to adapt to the changes. Take care

  9. Carmen Simmonds
    Carmen Simmonds says:

    So happy you’re feeling better. Take your time, don’t pressure yourself to do these videos. Try finding a new therapist & in the meantime try journaling when you have triggers. Being a mom is not easy, but find time for yourself. Enjoy your trip !

  10. Peggy Hanford
    Peggy Hanford says:

    So, so happy to see that you are okay! And really sorry you have been through this struggle. It is all part of the journey … yes, we all fall down and just have to remember to get back up. Thank you for sharing and reminding us of that. Take the time you need to rest and heal. We will be here whenever you are able to return. ❤🙏

  11. callee thomas
    callee thomas says:

    SO PROUD OF YOU! It's so brave to share struggles….yet God uses that vulnerability in ways we may never know! I am SO excited for our girl time. I might just reconsider being filmed haha. I wouldn't hold your breath! Regardless I am certain it will be a great time to share and fill our cups!

  12. Repent & believe in Jesus Christ! He💞U!John 14:6
    Repent & believe in Jesus Christ! He💞U!John 14:6 says:

    HUGS!! 🤗 Honestly Stephy, I think everyone is just fried! We’re just done with everything, aren’t we? Things are just crazy everywhere right now, and honestly, all I have to look forward to is the Rapture. That’s it. I’ve lost my joy too, and life is just not the way it was pre-COVID. But in some ways that’s a good thing, right? We’re closer than ever to the Rapture of the Saints! Praise God! Maranatha!

    Nehemiah 8:10
    King James Version
    10 Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

    God bless you and keep you! 🤗😊

  13. Ron’s Keto Café
    Ron’s Keto Café says:

    So glad to see you back my friend! The best view comes after the hardest climb. You go girl and got this. I been there I can completely relate on the depression. Food has always been my best friend over the years but my worst enemy. I am here for you any time you need me. Just take as much time as you need your family is more important. Just take care of yourself. I'm always a video chat away. Love you girl! Prayers and hugs!


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