Wednesday Check In | What We Eat on Keto | Grocery Haul

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Wednesday Check In | What We Eat on Keto Just a quick check in on how our week is going and an opportunity to share what our …

17 replies
  1. KoolKid Keto
    KoolKid Keto says:

    Thanks for the shout out, your Kool Kid friends in Texas love your videos, and your weekly progress towards your goals. If i knew logistically how to make it happen i wish we could do a collaborative hang out live stream, Im sure it would be so fun.

    Great score on the bacon. I've tried those chicken strips before but they're always hard to find, I usually make them in the air fryer. I'm not a pepper head, but I like Renfros. I recently was on a big salsa verde kick but now I'm just back to a little hot sauce on my eggs lately. I just threw a corned beef brisket in my instant pot and grabbed a cabbage to go with it for dinner tonight. Yum, Yum.
    I like beer, but I like dark beer like Shiner, so I haven't really had any in a loooooong time.

  2. Carnivore and Coffee
    Carnivore and Coffee says:

    James, our burgers ALWAYS stick to the press, too. They never stick to our Blackstone, but the darn press is a pain. Hubby kinda smashes it, then throws it back at the griddle and it tends to work most of the time.

  3. Jodi Lynn
    Jodi Lynn says:

    HELLO FROM TOLEDO!!!!! OMG YOU 2 ARE SOOOOO STINKEN CUTE !!! I want a smash burger!!!!! sweet Emily what's your email?? wait what ?? you have a pool?? smash burger pool party hat your house!!!!!

  4. Redwine
    Redwine says:

    Please don't change a thing about ur videos. I love the fun and u guys being real. I hate how others try so hard. U keep up like this it might take awhile but u guys will do awesome.

  5. Joseph B
    Joseph B says:

    Great video. I love eggs and eat a lot of them. I had some before watching this video. You have to realize, each egg is a whole chicken. Eat the whole egg and don't worry about it. When i make smash burgers i use patty paper so it doesn't stick. What do you mean " we ". 😂 Good one.
    …………….. 😎👍👍

  6. D
    D says:

    Ready set Keto “on the couch” great new idea for you both …. Many keto channels do it!!! Great job!!keto pool side, keto on the porch! 🍴


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