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Ben has grown a huge amount of very spicy peppers this year, so we are making fermeted hot sauce with them. But first, our fall …

24 replies
  1. Debbie Herrera
    Debbie Herrera says:

    Don’t know if you will see this post but I just seen a really good video on better ways to grow a lot of potatoes. The Channel is simplified guarding if I remember correctly and the episode was titled how I grew 450lbs of potatoes the lazy man’s way.

  2. Quacker Farm
    Quacker Farm says:

    I'm 58 years old and I just did meat birds. I would like your truthful opinion about the box of meat that I saw you get once would it be worth for someone who's 58 and has medical problems instead of trying to raise their own cuz it's taking me two weeks to butcher 8 birds with a friend. I trust your point of view

  3. Boots and Bounty Homestead
    Boots and Bounty Homestead says:

    We pick the trombincinos green and use like zucchini. We also trellis them so they are straighter and we walk under them. With letting them turn "orange" they will store for winter. We love them for the pest resistance. We only plant 2 and get a ton!
    We also pronounce it trom-bin-see-no lol not "chino". It's funny hearing how people pronounce things differently across YouTube. ❤ you guys!
    ❤ Kacy

  4. wearethedepinets
    wearethedepinets says:

    I can understand the thoughts of using poison for the squash pests. LOL. I battled the vine borers this year. I didn't get a single blue hubbard squash and they took out my patty pan and zucchini. I got maybe a dozen zucchini off 4 plants.

  5. Kim Littleton
    Kim Littleton says:

    I always love your videos…….but that was really cool what you said about New Years. What a fabulous idea !!! Thanks for sharing guys. Will have to check out that squash……….I have trouble growing squash because of the those darn squash bugs as well. Seems like those are pretty tough and resistant to the bugs.

  6. Pam Estep
    Pam Estep says:

    I love your blogs ! I am house and dog sitting for my cousin and I have been blessed to be able to binge watch yo uh r older episodes. I'm still in 2019 and it makes me love you all even more.
    Thank you for sharing your life with us. You are truly amazing !


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