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WE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE COOP… We were literally on the final step of building this Justin Rhodes chickshaw mini when …

34 replies
  1. Kim Nelligan
    Kim Nelligan says:

    I don’t see how that chicken coops gonna sit on the ground when you have legs on it I don’t get it I’ll have to wait till you’re finished How are the birds gonna get to the grass when it sits so High off the grass they won’t be able to reach the bugs or the grass to eat and their roost bar should be about halfway up in the cage because the chickens like to roost high up

  2. Kera Beem
    Kera Beem says:

    You guys…..I just adore you all! I have 4 sweet kids of my own and the days are long…not gonna lie when bedtime rolls around about 7:00 I am SO ready! And the FIRST thing I do when I finally sit down is see if you have a new video out ❤️ I live for these videos! Thank you for first off being so darn amazing and second off for posting so often! I don’t think you realize the impact you have on so many!

  3. Donna Coker
    Donna Coker says:

    That really seems like a lot of work for a chicken coop and Is it just me or does it seem rather small as well? I grew up with chickens as a kid and our coop was 6x the size of what Danielle is building. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  4. Mary
    Mary says:

    Predators can squeeze in any small tiny opening. Weezles, minks….And they will kill chickens. That may be to much of an opening above the door. Gotta protect our girls. We have 12 hens. ♥️

  5. Sheila Palmer
    Sheila Palmer says:

    Murray's, I'm an so proud of you all!! You all are amazing!! I love seeing the progress and how far you have come❤️ I live in the mountains and have not really grass, I love how green and lush yours is. Everything from before you moved to when you got there, seems like so long ago. Shalom to you♥️ I send you hugs🤗


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