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and we are getting RIPPED in time for summer. Well, that’s the plan, anyway! Thank you for watching. I hope you have a great …

32 replies
  1. Lise Gray
    Lise Gray says:

    kevin! good for you exercising πŸ˜‰ am happy for you…glad you can do it now, i am having surgery in 1 1/2 months. Maybe i should start training now? but i have bad knees, and 74, i cannot get on the floor.. without someone pulling me up! So maybe this has given me a wee bit of encouragement, to do before my surgery, BECAUSE i have to lie in bed for 2 months, no walking! thank you for sharing this!!!

  2. Susan Wicker
    Susan Wicker says:

    That was very impressive, Kevin. GOOD FOR YOU and Mr. Fox. The beef stew looks great, too, as well as the pineapple dessert. I just LOVE coming and visiting your blog. So fun!

  3. Helen
    Helen says:

    Thanks for sharing, Kevin! I'm sure that will encourage people to get moving. I do gentle yoga and walk bc I'm much older than you and I have to be gentle with my back and hips…osteoporosis. πŸ™„ It's important to get up and get moving everyday for both the outside and inside of your body!

  4. Virginia Valentin
    Virginia Valentin says:

    I don't know how long you have been at it but the results are great, Kevin. Thanks for sharing your hip pain journey, what didn't solve the pain and which exercises finally did! I've always only used heat and massage as the physical therapists do, and medication, of course.

  5. L Wright
    L Wright says:

    Congrats on the gym and trainer! I think it's good that he's like a drill sergeant because we all tend to take the easy way. I will start walking now that the weather is finally getting better — I walk for almost 2 hours and then do a few arm and leg exercises. I like cooking and baking much better LOL.

  6. Tiffany
    Tiffany says:

    Wow Kevin! You have some guns there young manπŸ˜Šβ€ΌοΈHappy for you and Mr. Fox always good to exercise especially with all that good cooking you do for the both of you πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³β€ΌοΈ Have a great weekend πŸ’•

  7. diane hall
    diane hall says:

    Good for you both! Wise decision. I have a great exercise bike and do floor work and Yoga. Amazing how good you feel after a short time! Yes, do share tips from the trainer.

  8. Texassews
    Texassews says:

    I love your gym! The trainer and you are getting great results. Guess I better get to work myself. Lord knows I need to! Thanks for giving me the little push I needed.πŸ˜€

  9. Lisa A
    Lisa A says:

    P.S. the exercise is called a hip thrust or hip press. Nice muscles!! πŸ’ͺ I was working out consistently with a trainer until the pandemic and now I’m way out of shape. You’ve inspired me to start back up again

  10. Lisa A
    Lisa A says:

    Kevin, don’t forget to breathe out strongly when you do your chest flys! Breathe in and then when you pull in the weights breathe out making almost a β€˜schhhh’ sound! Breathing super important. πŸ‘ thanks for sharing with us! πŸ’•

  11. PNF
    PNF says:

    That floor exercise you demonstrated is EXCELLENT for your core strength. It can be done without elevating the feet as well. Thank you for sharing!


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