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See the GrowVeg book here: Canning (also …

41 replies
  1. Justine Rogers
    Justine Rogers says:

    USDA and many other authorities now say sterilising is not necessary. The sterilising happens in the water bath sufficient not to be done beforehand. However, they should still be hot to warm to avoid thermal shock.

  2. Von Squirrel
    Von Squirrel says:

    Thanks for the video. Im assuming these beans are pickle. Do you have a recipe were the beans are water bathe but not pickled??? I have tons of green beans comming in. Any advice would be helpful.

  3. Kendra Smith
    Kendra Smith says:

    I have never been taught by anyone how to can. I would love to be able to. Will watch this several times to see if I think I can do it right. Thanks for this step by step info. Maybe I can follow this ok. Not sure which all veggies I can do this with. 😊👍

  4. Justine Rogers
    Justine Rogers says:

    Thank you so much for taking the time and making the effort to post this video. It was so useful. After 4 years a newly planted orchard looks promising for this year so wanted a method of long-term preserving of apple butter etc. Your helpful instructions has inspired me.

  5. Onion Ring
    Onion Ring says:

    If for whatever reason you are unable to pop down to the local supermarket to pick up salt for pickling your vegetables, you can always go for a jolly old stroll down to your local ocean and boil some saltwater to make your own sea salt.
    Though if you happen to live in the middle of a large country, crying onto a jar and letting it dehydrate might be quicker.

  6. sub333
    sub333 says:

    Definitely going to try that bean recipe – looks delicious! Am growing some beans this year, so will hopefully put any leftovers to good use 🙂

  7. April Carr
    April Carr says:

    Does by adding the vinegar does this pickle them I don’t like pickled foods I just would like regular vegetables, so learning I need all the help and patience as possible haaa♥️😊

  8. christine cumberland
    christine cumberland says:

    Could you share the written recipe for this and any others you use please as I have never done it before like never and would like to learn how to as a follow on from starting to produce my own food through gardening from watching your excellent channel. Many thanks

  9. Natalie Guzman
    Natalie Guzman says:

    Thank you so much seeing your video makes me feel so calm I thought I had to waste 500 on canning equipment but this video change my life and not only me but my kids life also

  10. Amit Koren
    Amit Koren says:

    Can you eat after the 24 hours or should you wait 3-4 weeks?
    I've seen people pour the boiled brine into the jar but do not put it in a water bath. I'm trying to figure out, did they missed a big step or does the bath accelerates to process?

  11. AnovaLisa Dragonfly
    AnovaLisa Dragonfly says:

    Thank you for such a great, concise, detailed video. I’m a total newbie who’s about to start canning. I don’t think I’ve ever even eaten canned vegetables. QUESTION: does the required vinegar cause the water bathed vegetables to taste vinegary/pickled?
    Seems like the answer would be an obvious ‘yes’, but maybe the boiling neutralizes the taste…?


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