Watch: TODAY All Day – September 9

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6 replies
  1. Ni Di Di
    Ni Di Di says:

    .#Covid_vaccine is a resistance of covid virus to create new variant, it only able to hide the symptoms after get infected, at the same time to enhance your immunity system to against the virus temporarily like 'MURPHY', "against the virus not eliminated", currently the opportunity to the death of having vaccine injection is less due to it's ineffectiveness since vaccine maker has been modified it to be safe. covid vaccine has the structure of HIV virus same as covid virus, it will permanently stay at human body. Vaccine manufacturer can be sued now after FDA fully approve those vaccine?, this is great liberty status evo. A lot of people death or having long term adverse reaction in vaccination before, and the government still keep hiding the truth.~<

  2. Thomas Hoffman
    Thomas Hoffman says:

    It's either God or the world, Satan owns the fence…

    "In the middle of a big field, there stood a fence where a group of people were gathered near the opening.

    On one side of the fence stood Jesus who called to the group of people to come be with him. On the other side of the fence stood the devil, also calling to the group of people.

    It wasn't long before some of the people went through the opening on Jesus' side…and some of the people went through the fence on the devil's side.

    One man remained in the middle. He sat upon the fence trying to decide which side he belonged on while the two groups went their separate ways.

    After a time, the devil reappeared, seemingly looking for something.
    Spotting the man sitting on the fence, the devil called to him. The man shook his head and said, "I have not made up my mind yet. I haven't decided which side of the fence I belong on."

    To which the devil replied, "Hey, you've already made your decision, you see…. I OWN the fence."

    – The Fence (GET OFF)

    Philippians 4
    "Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for… MY JOY AND CROWN! THAT is how you must STAND FIRM in the Lord, my beloved!"

    "REJOICE in the Lord always! Again I will say, REJOICE!!!"

    "Let your GENTLE Spirit be known to ALL men. The Lord is NEAR…"

    "Don’t worry about anything… INSTEAD, pray about EVERYTHING. Tell God what you need, and thank him for ALL he has done."

    "And the peace of God, which passes ALL understanding, SHALL KEEP your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus!"

    "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are True, whatsoever things are Honest, whatsoever things are Just, whatsoever things are Pure, whatsoever things are Lovely, whatsoever things are Admirable; if there be any VIRTUE, and if there be any praise, THINK on these things."

    "Those things, which ye have both LEARNED, and RECEIVED, and HEARD, and SEEN IN ME… DO!!! And the God of peace SHALL be with you 😎!!!"

    "I know how to live HUMBLY, and I know how to abound. I am accustomed to any and every situation, to being filled and to be hungry, to having plenty and having need."

    "I can do ALL things through Christ which STRENGTHENS me!"

    "NOT, because I desire a gift… But I desire Fruit that may abound to YOUR account!"

    "But my God shall supply ALL your needs according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus."

    "Now unto God and our Father be GLORY FOREVER AND EVER!!!"

    "The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you ALL! Amen!"

    For those about to ROCK, we salute you…

    "STAND UP and be COUNTED,
    For what you are about to receive
    we are the DEALERS 
    We'll give you everything you need"



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