Watch this video to get The Infernal Cape in less than a week – #FCF 1

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Every Friday on stream I’ll be running up to 3 example Infernos: Bofa/Tbow/s65 GM Speedrun. Click below for more info.

37 replies
  1. Frogfish
    Frogfish says:

    You know, I thought this title was clickbait, but I did indeed manage to get the cape in a week after watching it! Thanks so much for your amazing guides and practical advice. Made it not only possible to get the cape but very enjoyable too. Now I just need to get a slayer task for it and I'll jump back in.

  2. Kyler
    Kyler says:

    “If you tank a big hit… either you know you’re in control, or you aren’t in control and brew like f*ck” beat quote I have ever heard in my life

  3. Marco
    Marco says:

    Amazing guides, my only wish is that you would display the current wave throughout the run. Would make it soooo much easier to jump throughout the video

  4. Preitje FPV
    Preitje FPV says:

    "Alternate these guys…. If you're capable you can even do lossless alternation…."
    Of course we are not capable of doing this or we wouldn't be watching this guide l0l bit disapointed of this vid in the beginning you say no flicking needed and than you show this stuff

  5. ImIntense
    ImIntense says:

    Damn this was really well done, i’ve put off getting this cape for years with all the means to do it.. and after doing a solo 450 invo toa pet transmog a month or 2 ago learning red x baba and butterfly akkha. i feel like i have the confidence to get on this grind. The only thing i hated immensely was spending an hour each attempt to get to the waves i was struggling on only to repeat the same mistakes. Wish me luck :).

  6. Adam
    Adam says:

    Hooooooly that is THE best blob input ever. Blobs from range. Hits me i switch prayers, hits me i switch prayers.
    You just fixed so many peoples blob in about 5 seconds 😂


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