Watch me eat Dinty Moore's Chicken & Dumplings for the VERY FIRST TIME. 🍲😵

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I’ve never eaten #DintyMoore #ChickenAndDumplings in my life. Today that changes. This is a big ol can of the salty delicious …

29 replies
  1. Jessi Moths
    Jessi Moths says:

    Austin, Minnesota, home to the SPAM Museum! Quintessential Midwestern roadtrip stop.

    I made some homemade chicky dumps (with plenty of veggies!) last week. Took a little longer to make, though.

  2. CurtDanielson
    CurtDanielson says:

    You mentioned you love the history of food. Have you ever watched the show "The Food That Built America"? Great show, my mind was blown by some of the history on there. Dinty Moore Beef Stew is far superior to the Chicken and Dumplings. Appreciate the review my friend!

  3. swully 1976
    swully 1976 says:

    No Sean I haven't tried their dumplings yet and I probably won't either 😂 because when I see you cooking them I see DOG VILE NOW! thanks Sean, and yes I'm also a dog owner. 🤢

  4. kevin pratt
    kevin pratt says:

    My first apartment between the beef stew and that stuff that’s all I ever ate or mostly what I eat because it was quick. It was easy and there was no way that I was gonna burn myself just nuking it in the microwave.

  5. Darcy Deming
    Darcy Deming says:

    it would be more appealing to me if it had veggies in it like ya'll were saying. but i would eat that over the beef stew any day because i don't care for potatoes in soups lol. cool video! Lionel looked sooo cute in his pics!🐾🐾🐾

  6. Dee Cohen
    Dee Cohen says:

    Oof dinty moore. My mother would’ve never allowed that in the house in 1 million years
    We weren’t allowed fun cereal any kind of sweets no fun chips no Chef Boyardee no macaroni and cheese
    I mean nothing fun or even gross/fun. So I always planned to rebel and eat all the crap I wasn’t allowed to eat as a kid. So as an adult with jobs (esp when depressed) I dipped into junk food amlittle bit I got me some spray can cheese, Pringles, pop tarts, sugar cereal, lotsa other chips, I tried alot of junk. But oddly enough I only did that stuff when I was either super depressed or super angry I always went back to the healthy stuff I mean it was embarrassing at the time to have whole wheat bread with natural peanut butter that nasty stuff with the oil at the top and sliced bananas and honey instead of your traditional pb&j. Was never allowed to have white bread or baloney or mayonnaise or miracle whip or whatever I was given cantaloupe squares of dessert instead of Twinkies or whatever the kids were getting it was humiliating.
    Now if I was to go and have kids I would probably put them through the same torture because…health.
    I appreciate you trying all the stuff I wanna send you a recipe when I can’t afford it it’s gonna be weird prob for a midwest patelle… but you’re gonna it. Its like a old school Eastern European broke af dish but you are going to love it. I promise


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