WARNING: Vegan Pregnancy

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VEGAN #CARNIVORE #EXVEGAN Melissa Alexandria Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwQB3dzHyh8&t=16s

46 replies
  1. Bruno Bantuga
    Bruno Bantuga says:

    The only suggestion I have is to make the videos a lit but shorter. There seems to be no good reason for almost all your videos to be 20 minutes or more. That way, the content get diluted and it gets boring. I normally watch, at most, 10 minutes and move to the next. 20 minutes or more, I will use to watch lectures/presentations/classes.

  2. Robert I
    Robert I says:

    It should be penalty for this crime.I was brainwashed for vegetarianism. After some years i am allergic for wheat like hell. Fucking healthy industy. GO to fg hell.

  3. Changing ME
    Changing ME says:

    I am looking forward to my minced meat patties. Blended with salt and egg. Fried halfway through. I like them that way. Soft and yummy. Today I also got some pieces of lightly fried liver, salted to taste.

  4. Janka Jankechová
    Janka Jankechová says:

    I actually realised today! that before I met my partner I didn't eat much meat (I was at uni so saving up money I ate a lot of lentils and pasta) and was quite depressed.
    I believe one of the factors to get out of depression was actually starting eating more meat and red meat ( as I never used to eat it)

  5. Esther Arroyo
    Esther Arroyo says:

    I remember when I was vegan my mother saved me after giving me salmon my body felt aglow afterwards I’ve never gone back to veganism even though I was one for three years!!

  6. Willow
    Willow says:

    But what did people eat during the tartaria period, that's what I'd like to know seeing as it was the golden age of technology and free energy.

  7. juli simek
    juli simek says:

    after being low carb and eating mostly animal products for awhile, i've stopped getting hungry in the mornings. I used to wake up hungry and needed "something" or else i felt i was running on empty. now i wake up and get ready, go to the gym while still fasting, then eat a nice meal in the afternoon. it's so nice not being a slave to hunger.

  8. Marlie stclair
    Marlie stclair says:

    I ate semi keto when preggers. Example: breakfast was ground beef still pink, not so crispy bacon, sunny side eggs, raw chedder, butter, and kale. I ate that almost every morning. A lot of sardines. I had a thick ass placenta and it had a double bag! Oh and baby was 9lb 12 oz

  9. G Lori
    G Lori says:

    I’m 15 weeks pregnant and haven’t been sick once. Eggs, meat, butter, lightly cooked veg and a little fruit. I have been loving my strip steaks and no I don’t cook it to death like they say to do when pregnant. Why kill all the nutrients that I’m craving? Yummm

  10. Paganstitcher
    Paganstitcher says:

    No enough space in her stomach 🤣🤣 when I was pregnant 🤰 I couldn’t get enough food meat, eggs, dairy fish and vegetables and of course lots of chocolate 🤣🤣 and folic acid once a day for the first 3 months both of my babies was 2 weeks over due each I suppose they just didn’t want to leave 🤣🤣🤣

  11. fruit salad
    fruit salad says:

    What are your thoughts on the academy of nutrition and dietetics's study and conclusion that a vegan lifestyle is healthy for all stages of life? Are the doctors wrong?

  12. Kristín Gerður
    Kristín Gerður says:

    So grateful I got away from veganism before wanting a baby.
    Now I'm 3 years and 2 months ex vegan, with a perfect little two month old baby boy. Ate liver and lots of meat and fat through out my pregnancy and had no issues.

  13. The Prophet
    The Prophet says:

    Healthy, delicious foods… go take a bite of that cucumber 🥒 and show your face while your are at it. It tastes like a cactus 🌵 the desert, the only thing you'll get out of it is a bit of vitamin c and water, if you don't cook it to death at least…

  14. Jayna Shipman
    Jayna Shipman says:

    Wow, what a foolish video. Plant foods are high nutrition and clean protein. Tons of science shows meat is the cause of many degenerative diseases. If you don't eat a variety of fruits, veggies, whole grains and legumes, you will not have a healthy pregnancy, which is just as dangerous as eating nothing but pizza and burgers the whole time. Dangerous misinformation here and irresponsible as hell. So many doctors and researchers on YouTube easily smoke this idiot's non-arguments, lol.

  15. The Prophet
    The Prophet says:

    Plant based is what the "whole" World is nowadays. The little bit of meat most people consume is not enough to be healthy and surely not enough to feed a child growing in your body. But she is next level with that crap she is eating. Cinnamon is an antinutrient itself, together with the chia seeds and sugar I'd call that thing the Shake of Death.

  16. CptShelby
    CptShelby says:

    We should offer those vegans an exchange: I eat vegan one day a week and you eat "my meat" in exchange. Over all it will be the same amount of plants and meat eaten, therefore no "negative effect" from the meat you eat. I'm ready to do it, to give your baby a better start into its life.

  17. TrustyCane
    TrustyCane says:

    She can eat all this stuff and it is not even bad , but just has to put in a big piece of butter when cooking and have some fish, eggs or meat along with it.

  18. Eternal van Snow
    Eternal van Snow says:

    Can you do a video or at least comment on cheap lazy vegan's diet? she's a vegan for a very long time but doesn't look as horrible as other vegans. Not sure if she's faking the diet for views. The only thing that is typical for vegans in her case is completely destroyed mental health, but there are people with similar symptoms on an omnivore diet too

  19. John Garbarini
    John Garbarini says:

    This woman seems to make up her own science as she goes along. I feel sorry for her unborn baby. I watched a lecture from a low-fat vegan mom about 15 years ago. She told us about mother's milk, and its high fat content. The implication was that fat would hurt the baby.
    I was confused, and looked up mother's milk in science books. Mother's milk does indeed have a high-fat content, but it also contains an enzyme that helps the nursing baby break the fat down, digest it, and put it to good use, esp in the baby's brains, spinal column, and bones. Think about it: if that enzyme did not exist, all humans and other mammals would have been wiped out 100K years ago; all babies would have been "choked to death" by the fat in its mother's milk.
    Vegans play loosely with the truth. I can tell everyone I'm the King of England, or I'm one of the Beatles, but it's not so. Vegans invent their own facts, and when they get sick, like Matt Monarch, or Freelee, can simply blame the Doctors for screwing them up.


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