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A lot of people are looking to start homesteading in some way right now, whether that’s starting a garden, raising animals for meat …

37 replies
  1. Julia Hufford
    Julia Hufford says:

    “You’ll look back on the things that used to bring you joy, and see that This is where joy is!”

    This is so true! Hubby and I rarely watch even streaming movies anymore, but we’re not bored! In fact, when we do watch, we are a lot more selective in what we give that time to, and enjoy it much more.😊❤️

  2. Vanessa Adams
    Vanessa Adams says:

    I am a single mother from northern Ontario Canada and I have basically done this process in reverse…somewhat LOL
    My first garden was on a decent sized property, I had roughly 10-15 garden beds more than enough space to grow for me and my kids. I learned from my failures, I developed a client base for selling my start plants then seeds, I learned all of the canning and processing procedures of my produce from channels like yours…
    Then this past January we were forced into moving to a smaller space, for more money. I homeschool my children, one of which is special needs (ASD) limited income. Still had a garden this year, about half the size of my original one. Now we have finally been accepted into a townhouse through housing so…no actual in ground garden space available BUT affordable living so….
    Now I need to decide what is important to grow, how to work around being able to grow it and focus on saving the money to buy the land we want! Lol should be interesting for sure

  3. Aundra 101
    Aundra 101 says:

    Yay! You both are very inspiring, and I think I can speak for a lot. We have learned so much from the both of you in different ways. God bless you both,family,and subscribers. Merry Christmas to all, and subscribers.

  4. D
    D says:

    Thank you ladies for sharing your stories. I love both of your channels. I am 67 years young and I live in a mobile home community. I started gardening in 2020. I call myself the mobile homesteader. I grow everything in grow bags and I just put in my first raised bed and getting ready to put in another one. You both are a great inspiration to me. God bless you both and your families.


    I love it when you introduce us to your fellow-homesteaders. This chat with Jessica was a real pleasure. I'm a bit older – have raised my family and have always employed a basic, "home-style" lifestyle. But, today's world-climate definitely has me digging deeper for more self-sustaining methods. I've learned so much from you, already. And now, I'll be able to learn from Jessica, too. Thank you! I feel more hopeful, being engaged.

  6. Heather McCarthy
    Heather McCarthy says:

    It is a delight to hear (and see) this conversation! The mindet of a homestead, in my opinion, is so family-centered whereas the typical non-homesteading mindset seems to be more product-centered or financial or acheivement-centered. It seems homesteading allows us to feel connected to our food and our family in a healthier way than the people and families that have not experienced this. The factory-farmed, highly processed products integrate so seemlessly with the lifestyle that is generally sedentary and medication-focused as people age. I am 50 years old, and my grandparents were not on the cornucopia of medications that today's seniors are most typically on in the USA. If food is our medicine and the "secret" to longevity, then our faith (beyond religion) should be in the food that is grown and prepared in a healthy way. Thank you so much for this discussion!

  7. Simply_Eden
    Simply_Eden says:

    I know that somewhere out there is a single man my age saying to God, “where’s a single woman my age who wants to homestead with me?” God knows. And one day God is going to bring us together 😊🙏🥰

  8. Shellie Cummins
    Shellie Cummins says:

    Thank you 2 for a wonderful chat.. thank you Jess talking about the husband that wasn't always supportive. Mine is supportive, but doesn't always see the end game of "good food ".. but he eats it🤣

  9. Kathryn Mauro
    Kathryn Mauro says:

    I really enjoyed the content of this video. The banter between the two of you was so refreshing and open. The points about "your dream" and how you thanked your husband for helping you just made me realize that sometimes we anticipate others going along when they really have other thoughts. So letting him know how grateful you were makes him feel appreciated. So simple yet so complicated at times. I would love to see another video of you both again. Once again, thank you.

  10. Mayshelle Myers
    Mayshelle Myers says:

    God told us to leave California and we listened. And thanks to my grandmother for teaching me some things learning from my mistakes and watching you beautiful lovely lady's we are self sufficient. And it t truly feels great! A huge thanks to what you bring to the table. Love y'all 🤗

  11. Life Worth Living
    Life Worth Living says:

    The negativity for me is from my family/relatives. I have an older sister who whatever she says/said are like God's words and everyone needs to follow. I am as a stubborn as I have been and so my journey to do homesteading continues.

  12. Shantelle boyce
    Shantelle boyce says:

    Jessica said she wished she started earlier and that's what got me going… Now I'm in a foreclosed house half acre with a garage for 3 grand!! During the pandemic when everyone else was paying quarter or more million for a home ..we are low income and we are doing it!!

  13. Suzi Gilmore
    Suzi Gilmore says:

    This is fantastic! I live on only one acre, but it was cool to think I can be actually homesteading here. We are a whole-food plant-based family, so we are growing a big garden of veggies, small fruit, herbs and flowers for drying. We also have a greenhouse, a hoop house, and some cold frames. I've gotten into cottage gardening and permaculture, so we're learning how to maximize our space with vertical gardening, succession gardening, and always having every bed planted (no empty spaces). I love making things from scratch and am getting into making my own skin and body care products using herbs. I feel I've met my people with this video even though y'all have more acres than me.

  14. Vidar D
    Vidar D says:

    when receiving advice, and comments, don't worry about how it makes you feel, how you take it, or how you receive it, worry about where the advice "is coming from" . not who is saying it so much, but what is generating that advice. WHY that advice is being shared.
    the old man telling you it won't work because it is too much work, is telling you to ask yourself if you are willing to put in the work. THAT is excellent advice. telling you that chickens don't work because predators, is warning you that countless chickens where slaughtered and discouraging tye people before you. prepare for predators when you plan, and mentally for when you loose livestock…. he was warning you off because he saw those before you fail, which means he saw the moments that broke them, and from his perspective he is saving you time and tears.
    similarly the haters give advice from envy, they can be ignored because they don't intend good.

  15. IMSC Pam
    IMSC Pam says:

    Thank you for this. I just learned I am guilty of trying to force my husband to participate in my dream. I appreciate the clarity and will work to do as you two have suggested.

  16. Danielle Terry
    Danielle Terry says:

    I only have .68 of a acre but watching the both of you and others I built a leanto by following green acres that is where I raised mean rabbits and my meat chicks, built a coup and run for my egg layers, used my back yard for my first garden last spring and I have a winter garden also, dehydrate and canning I let litterly nothing go to waist. Built up my stockpile and thank god I did as I was unemployed 9 months with no chance to get even unemployment . The 4 of us lived off of my stock pile and the meat I raised, when I finally was hired I restocked everything back up and realized my full back yard must be my garden not just a small area, I would love 7 acres but at 60 I am making do with what I have since I am debt free and refuse to start over, thank you both for all you have taught me

  17. Margot Spriggs
    Margot Spriggs says:

    What a great chat!! Thank you. Please would you both have a chat about what is the hierarchy of steps once you have your land. What do we do first from your experiences and lessons learnt?


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