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Thank y’all so much for hanging out with me and watching this Walmart grocery haul video! If you’re new to this channel be sure to …

40 replies
  1. Adrienne Holder
    Adrienne Holder says:

    Heyy friend great haul.. I love the gv laundry detg ..also I can't believe Stevie will be one ohh my word .. 😳 and so I take it the the gv sausage is good because you bought it again lol I'll be buying it now because girl Jimmy Dean is too expensive lol 😆

  2. chastity clark
    chastity clark says:

    Hi Jennifer it’s chastity I was not feeling good Sunday I had a migraine headache I was resting Sunday I love your. Videos I’m doing okay now love you have a great week Stevie. is so cute

  3. tinkerbellwiz
    tinkerbellwiz says:

    Hi there omg I can't believe Stevie birthday already wowwww ..nice haul what kind of ice maker do you have ??that makes snowcones type ice ?? Love those orange push ups yummm

  4. Hilde Moonen
    Hilde Moonen says:

    Hi beautiful, how are you guys doing? I have sent you an e-mail this week maybe if you have a couple seconds you can read my explanation why my promised update is a little late, sorry about that but it is coming soon promise 😎!
    I loved Harrison his intro, he did a good job ☺️👍👍👍!
    I wish I could you invite you over here and buy you real Belgian fries….I m so jealous what you guys can buy in your grocery stores but I think there is nothing like our fries 🤣🤣🤣!
    You are amazing never forget that ❤️😘😘😘

  5. Ronda Y.
    Ronda Y. says:

    Amen about the real fried french fries. Here is a fyi: if you make a pack of brown gravy and a pack of chicken gravy and mix them it is really close to KFC gravy as far as taste.

  6. Linda Hines
    Linda Hines says:

    Hey Jen! Great grocery haul and meal plan. Those sherbet push-ups would last 2 days with me. I love that ice cream!! Harrison is so stinking cute in that Spider-Man costume. I love that child. I miss seeing little Stevie Kate. Can’t believe she’s about to be 1. Hope y’all have a wonderful week!! Love ya girl 🥰

  7. Linda San Giovanni
    Linda San Giovanni says:

    Great haul! I have been taking the Vital Protein Collagen Peptides for almost two years. I have osteoarthritis in my knees and this has helped me tremendously. Loved Harrison’s intro in the car. He has such a cute personality. 😊💗

  8. Lana Graham
    Lana Graham says:

    Hey Jennifer! Just catching up on your videos. My sister was in town, plus I wound up in the ER on Easter.😫 Super duper stomach virus (3 days!). We still managed to enjoy each other's company and she helped take care of me. We are always there for each other!
    Great hauls and DITL. Those orange tubes are so delicious, but they get to the end way too fast!😀
    Hope you have a great week!❤

  9. Robin Weaver
    Robin Weaver says:

    Great haul! I was thinking if I had orange sherbet tubes in my house, the kids wouldn’t get any because I would eat them all! Harrison is such a character! Hope you have a great week!


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