Walmart Grocery Haul and EASIEST Meal Prep Ever! Whole Food Plant-Based

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19 replies
  1. @elsmooth12
    @elsmooth12 says:

    Hi Wendy! Love the meal prep…super efficient! However, somehow without knowing me you stole my tale 😁. About 10 years ago, I too lopped off the tip of my thumb while food prepping (cutting herbs). And like you, I had plenty of home cook experience at the time, thought myself pretty handy with my chef's knife, and was rushing (probably for no really good reason, of course). Lucky for me, it pretty much healed over and grew back completely…but it was a lousy experience, so you have my sympathies.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery so you can remove the blasted glove, which although it great for keeping it dry and clean, really gets in the way of pretty much everything.

  2. @chipnewkie4307
    @chipnewkie4307 says:

    Hi Wendy! My favorite was the stew you threw together at the end. I’ve been meal prepping a stew all frozen veggies, lentils, and can of diced tomatoes. I then serve it over a huge bed of raw greens and sometimes other raw veggies like a salad but also a meal prepped potato or sweet potato thrown in the middle. I’ve to be on a calorie deficit for a while though and the low sodium makes life so much easier somehow. Thanks for another great video!

  3. @cyclingonplants7444
    @cyclingonplants7444 says:

    Hi Wendy 🤗 Nice haul!!! Sorry to hear about your kitchen accident. Hope it heals fast. I also love lime juice on anything even fruit! Try it on your mango or any melon next time you have some – it's delicious. I also buy some organic but don't worry too much about it. I find organic bananas taste much better – not sure why. I'm in Canada and my Wal-Mart usually has the no salt added canned beans – the organic section is not that big but it's okay. For the quick cook steel cut oats I cook them in the IP for 1 minute as well. I haven;t made cheezy type sauce in ages….I should make some! Thanks for showing us this awesome food prep. much appreciated 🥰

  4. @Kathy_Is_Blessed
    @Kathy_Is_Blessed says:

    Bummer about your thumb. I can relate at age 70. I’ve been preparing meals forever it feels like and have cut or burned myself through the years. Ouch!
    I eat many of the same foods as you and batch prepare as well. Saves so much time and energy every day. ♥️
    My two go-to stores are WalMart and Aldi. Between them they seem to have everything I need. Great video! Thankyou!🙏

  5. @edyann
    @edyann says:

    That's so awesome. I live in Mexico and we have Walmarts here, believe it or not. Lots of fruits and vegetables, mostly and there's a vegan cheese company here called Veggie delicattesen and they make cottage cheese and it's quite good so I have my old school favorite snack: cottage cheese with fruit cocktail, haha.

  6. @i2sky532
    @i2sky532 says:

    I never poked potatoes and thought that was an old wives tale. Then last month I had one explode and spew searing potato meat right past me. I poke now.😬


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