VLOGMAS Ep 6 : Stop Stressing About Holiday Eating!

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20 replies
  1. Cheleene Wence
    Cheleene Wence says:

    Yaassss Manders!!! We have implemented the no leftovers in our house and it does help🤗 The fam is not happy about it but they are not the ones in the gym sweat'n!! Thank you for the advice!!!

  2. Tabitha Brooke
    Tabitha Brooke says:

    What if you have gestational diabetes while pregnant? I truly had a hard time on Thanksgiving but I stayed active and my blood sugar levels stayed within normal range, but eating that sugar did scare me for my baby. 💙

    Yes….absolutely. PORTION CONTROL GIRL 👏🏻 I kinda just nibbled on the carbs that I choose for myself that day.

  3. Brynn M. Davis
    Brynn M. Davis says:

    oh my gosh, your editing has gotten so good!! been with you for a long time and it's so amazing to see you achieve goals, your ups and downs and literally Crushing life!! Keep killing it!

  4. Torsten Wiese
    Torsten Wiese says:

    Love your aproach! Because of my stomach problems i always eat really clean (everything else results in my crying in the bathroom the entire night) but during Hollidays or birthday i stock up on medication and just try very little of the stuf that i want to try but i always make educated choices throughout the day


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