VLOGMAS 2022 DAY 13 – Dudes Do Dinner

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It may seem like a standard meals vlog, but it becomes a VLOGMAS, day 13 to be exact, in this case. 🙂 Download our FREE …

26 replies
  1. Sarah Weir
    Sarah Weir says:

    Looking forward to the turkey & stuffing now you guys have taste tested it! l'll be having with a roasted vegetable garland on the side from Tesco's. l haven't spotted much but glad freezable! X

  2. Gez Butterworth
    Gez Butterworth says:

    FAB food guys. I’m starving now! Thanks for the heads up on Farm Foods. I know you’ve mention it before and I forgot, I am snowed in here so didn’t get out. Must do though, the meat eaters in the house say they are the best nuggets they’ve had, which suits me. Great lunchtime taste test Jason, I was eyeing this baguette up the other week, didn’t get one as I thought the price was a bit steep. Thanks for Vlogmas it’s been BRILLIANT xx

  3. the_vegan vlogger_
    the_vegan vlogger_ says:

    That thai bowl looked v tasty ..waiting to have my kitchen fully adapted with me bein in a chair n hopefully can make afew meals again..had too many incidents with food from a pan to a plate on my lap goin on my lap ..scalding me..but getting my lovely care lady to throw me afew fresh veg meals afew times a week or prepped for when i want it ..that sainsburys joint looked lovely ..mind you all ur meals look fabulous ..noticed isis in the ring light comin out of shot ..shes lookin great..i sadly lost mine who had dental issues he was having fits and stuff so did the kindest thing …have recently got 2 new additions that are 12 and 16 weeks n causin mayhem 🤣

  4. Jacqueline Moore
    Jacqueline Moore says:

    I'm really loving these meal vlogs. Right at the end of Thursday pizza vlog and you say look at our tree. Isis's face is right in the middle of light. But lovely to see Isis. I'm finding alot of vegan stuff is high fat. My doctor has come back with high cholesterol. Can you help.

  5. Lynby
    Lynby says:

    Yum lovely, I notice you always use brown rice but whenever I have it it completely takes over the meal, so that all we can taste is brown rice, no idea why. I just use white rice now.

  6. Bev Llewellyn
    Bev Llewellyn says:

    Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy! Lovely lovely mealsvlog!
    Thanks once again for your generosity of time and consideration ✊✊✊🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈💚💚💚💚💚✅

  7. Addam Hewitt
    Addam Hewitt says:

    The week of meals great again. The greggs no turkey baguette, I agree its nice, but yes would love the price to be just under £3. On another completely different subject, is Jason rocking a new earing, don't think I've clocked the twirly black one b4.

  8. Leroy Brown
    Leroy Brown says:

    …is it just me or was anyone else reminded of the whole tiny hand thing…as J was shitting the salad with the salad shitters just poking outta his hoodie sleeves….🤷
    …no…just me…well alrighty then
    bout halfway thru ….and yet again still excited to join in y'all's weekly food/meal adventures


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