VLOG | New Grocery Store Obsession, Perfect Chicken Chili Recipe, Luxury Shoe Purchase for Less

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hi guys! ok so heres the deal with the white chicken chili recipe…. linking the half baked harvest one here …

14 replies
  1. Yessenia
    Yessenia says:

    I do my weekly compra at Aldi every Sunday. I’m an Aldi nerd about 6 years now. it’s just awesome. As far as the meat goes, I personally have never had an issue and chicken is always a hit for me

  2. S Nieves
    S Nieves says:

    Hi Ivana, your vlog game has been strong haha. I love it, thank you. I just wanted to let you (in case you wasn't aware), be careful with the real trees. They aren't the best for pets, some can cause irritation to the pets or gastrointestinal issues if they eat the pines. Just wanted to share because I know how much you love ur pets so jsut want them to be safe.

  3. Silvia Rivera G
    Silvia Rivera G says:

    That recipe
    Next time you can’t open a jar grab a butter knife and bang it across the lid . It will pop right off . I can’t open those jars ever with my hand alone . Thanks for video

  4. Jessica Marrero
    Jessica Marrero says:

    Tyler and the dog waiting for their food be like lol
    Also if you ever have difficulties opening a jar use a knife lol and poke the top n it’ll pop. Idk if this is a Spanish thing but I was taught to do that. 😂

    Those earrings are so nice 👍

  5. Bri J
    Bri J says:

    I love Tyler and Lenny’s commentary on the chili spread lol! They both were just waiting there like mmmmmmm. Haha. You put so much love and effort into everything you do!


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