VLOG: moving in with my best friend, what i eat in a week (cooking recipe) and so many surprises!!!

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20 replies
  1. D Ramos
    D Ramos says:

    Hi Kim. Have you tried the guava paste with block cheddar cheese? Please do. Its a very popular Puerto Rican hors d'oeuvre. Also you can make pastelillos/empanadas de guava and cheese. Delicioso. Please let me know if you have. Luv Ya

  2. Jasmine O
    Jasmine O says:

    ALOHA MAID APPLE ICED TEA, ALOHA MAID ICED TEA, ALOHA MAID FUJI APPLE. TRY ITTTTT… my favs. If you drink, Aloha Maid Iced Tea with coconut rum lol

    ….Aloha from Hawaii

  3. Bibiana V
    Bibiana V says:

    OMG, Yes! The Good Dr. is a good show! I've been watching since it started (after watching Bates Motel). They just did a new episode releasing the pilot for the new snip off show "The Good Lawyer", I can't wait! I was hooked instantly!!

    p.s. love the lizzie shirt 😉 currently watching "how I met your father"

  4. Michelle Nguyen
    Michelle Nguyen says:

    I know this might sound weird to you, but watching these long vlogs makes me feel so relaxed in a way. Since I’ve been so all over the place with everything in my life atm. It feels like I get to catch up with you, and also have my me time. Planning a wedding and also having health problems is no joke so these long vlogs really make my day:).


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