vlog :: by the lakeside :: mid week day in the life

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Join me for a vlog/podcast about what I am doing at the moment. My coffee maker is a Nespresso: https://www.nespresso.com/ca/en/ Golden Hour Kits will be …

20 replies
  1. AVMM
    AVMM says:

    Structure is overrated lol, it's more for the corporate world and I'm so over that since I've left it after 30+ years (no regrest! but change is great). You own your own business and I think that as long as you complete your to do's with that, that's good structure. Something so wonderful about crossing off what you needed to do for work what didn't get done will move over to next day. If you get up early, family should already understand it's "you" time for whatever amount of time that is and children and husband should go on as a normal day. What always worked for me was jotting down everything I needed to get done for the week and I will do this on a Thursday or Friday and this way I didn't have to think about it during the weekend. I would break out the page by section I was responsible at work including meetings, several short bullet points and another section for home stuff. As the day and week progressed I had a lot of check marks. It was nothing fancy, kept in a Midori. Kinda miss it actually lol and I felt great at the end of the work week.

  2. Merry Blake
    Merry Blake says:

    I don't leave comments on Youtube as a general rule. I don't really feel comfortable and most of the time, what I'm feeling has already been expressed by someone else. But I really felt compelled to write you something.

    I just wanted to thank you for your videos. I really enjoy them. I loved your vlogmas and was really pleased you decided to stick to that style going forward.

    I know that the videos and pictures people upload to social media are just a snapshot and not entirely representative of reality. There's so much more to people and their lives than what they share. The good and bad, the struggles – particularly now. Anyway…I just wanted to thank you for what you do share. I find it really interesting and relaxing and inspiring.

    And I also want to say that while I really love seeing your videos pop up in my feed, I hope you don't feel pressured and obligated to share your life with us. That stress isn't worth it.

  3. Cindy Thomson
    Cindy Thomson says:

    I recently was in a documentary. It's called Mind, Set, Go by AMI. Here (BC) it's on channel 888. Not sure what it would be there but if you have tv chances are you have it. Read the bio to see if it's right for you? Mine is the last one. I am a wheelchair user (have MS) and a Para Olympian encourages me to go after a goal…Think it's on Wednesday? You are amazing and inspire me. I'm gearing up to start knitting again. Thanks for that!

  4. Three Sisters Knit
    Three Sisters Knit says:

    Hi Sandy, Margaret here. I just finished watching today's vlog–loved it as always! I have a suggestion for an audio podcast: Happier with Gretchen Rubin. She is the author of "The Happiness Project," which was published about 10 years ago, "The Four Tendencies," and the more-recent "Better Than Before," which is about habit change. What she and her sister discuss in the podcast is ways to be happier. Although it isn't really a productivity podcast, they and their listeners provide so many useful tips to making life a little easier and, therefore, a little happier. Something I found useful was Gretchen's Four Tendencies Quiz (found here: https://quiz.gretchenrubin.com/?utm_source=website&utm_medium=popoutmenu). Like you, I work from home (when I have work) and find it really hard to set goals/plans for myself and meet them (I have no problem meeting others' deadlines). Turns out, I'm an Obliger. The podcast often refers to the different tendencies and how to work with your own temperament to achieve what you want (work-related, family-related, creativity-related). Anyway, sorry for rambling, but I have been enjoying this podcast since it began 5 years ago. Perhaps give it go?

  5. Eva Hoepelman
    Eva Hoepelman says:

    Hi Sandy, thanks for a lovely vlog – again! Maybe you could have a look at the you tube channel of Cathy Hay. Even though it isn't about knitting but still fiber related ( mainly historical sewing) her reflections on motivation, organisation of creative projects, journaling and structure in general are just great. Greetings from Amsterdam!

  6. MCO Knits
    MCO Knits says:

    I find your podcast soothing and thank you for taking the time to blog for us. The project bags that you made for the Cosy Knitter kits are lovely. However both yarn colour choices would clash horribly with my colouring which suits primarily jewel tones and icy pastels. I believe most designers are drawn to colours that suit their own complexion, but may not suit everybody.

  7. Shanda Greene
    Shanda Greene says:

    So excited to have scored one of your bag sets this evening!! ❤️ I absolutely love your channel!! You’ve inspired me today to organize my craft space and dive into some WIPS!!

  8. Kathleen Hollerbach
    Kathleen Hollerbach says:

    Sandy, which Nespresso machine do you have? I think I am about to need a new coffee maker and I love the taste of coffee from these pod machines. I’d love to know which model you have. Thanks!! Ps. I never miss a vid cast!!

  9. Margaret Lyons
    Margaret Lyons says:

    I think we always think we could more. You seem very together to me. Coming from a person that has had a out of home job for many years, I have had to learn to let things go, not let it bother me so much. Crafting time is very important to me for my self health. So I have had to learn to prioritize and do my best. Good luck!

  10. Linda Urban
    Linda Urban says:

    Not a podcast, but two books that you might find interesting and useful: WHEN by Daniel Pink and DAILY RITUALS: HOW ARTISTS WORK by Mason Currey. They aren't visual at all (although I love the cover on the Currey book) but are the sort of thing you might listen to on audio while you work. I also love the artist Maira Kalman who talks a bit about her daily routine in this interview w/Krista Tippet posted on Maria Popova's site http://www.dailygood.org/story/2196/maira-kalman-daily-things-to-fall-in-love-with-maria-popova/ Thanks for the vlog. It is a comfort and a joy to see you.


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