Video Podcast #66 – Black Tie Kitchen Part 2

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Think of this video as an audio podcast (lots of me talking) with some video (mostly of me talking). I’ll be discussing keto related topics that are in the news, …

40 replies
  1. Shen Long
    Shen Long says:

    I've been doing keto for a year now and honestly I don't think it's all that restrictive as someone who's always cooked and baked myself. Sure it's an issue when going out or ordering things but in cooking myself there are so many replacements and ways to make the same things with different ingredients and new recipes all the time thanks in part to people like you guys. I'm mostly just doing it because I wanted to change my diet, try something new and potentially help with the weight loss – which I'm mostly working on with working out.

    I believe doing a diet with the single focus to lose weight is the wrong approach and it's probably also one of the reasons why most people fail with their diets.

  2. Kelli Gustafson
    Kelli Gustafson says:

    I’m a new follower of yours. I live in Wisconsin too, just south of Milwaukee. I knew it by the Packer gear! Love following you and I’m pretty serious/strict keto myself. Been following BTK for a few months now and the pizza crust 2.0 is amazing!!! I’ll be continuously tuning in. Thanks again!

  3. Shaun Traphagan
    Shaun Traphagan says:

    Since you call your own podcast "not so serious," I was thinking that you could do something similar here. The opposite of black tie is casual, so this could be Casual Keto Kitchen Chat. I like it partly because of the alliteration.

    I also suggest that you change your solo podcast from "not so serious" to "surely you can't be serious" πŸ˜‰

  4. A Healthier Kirk
    A Healthier Kirk says:

    "Black and Serious"…"Meat-heads"…"Two Skinny Fatties"…"Fat Talk(like a Ted Talk)"…"The Spiky and Cue-ball show"…"The Wonder Twins"…"Between Two-not a Registered Dieticians"…"The Legally Prevented From Giving Health Advice Health Advice Show"…I should stop while I'm ahead. (the ideas in this comment were intended to promote, compliment and inspire. 'A Healthier Kirk is not responsible for any negative backlash by choosing one of the aforementioned titles and the use thereof indicates acceptance of these terms implied')

  5. Wendy Foley
    Wendy Foley says:

    MANY years ago, I used to scrounge up the $1.15 to go buy a 3-Liter of Shasta Cola, and drank one every day! I gave up soda completely and lost like 50 lbs in the first year… I gained a lot back when I started being a "foodie" (and drinking too much alcohol), but I do not drink regular soda anymore. In fact, I have almost given up diet soda completely as well… I might have one a week, or so, but on the whole I have pretty much starting drinking just water (my Cirkul helps a lot with that)… oh, and white wine… LOL cheers

  6. bertha plazas
    bertha plazas says:

    Steve, & Dennis, Good podcast! Steve you have a hilarious dry sense of humor this is in a good way. Just wanted to thank you so very much you are always searching and reviewing good keto products for all your viewers that how I discovered the best sweetener Bocha Sweet ! my favorite products! not erythritol is horrible for my stomach . being gluten intolerant I appreciate the work you do love your channel. Have you tried the Bocha sweet treats .vanilla almond crunch bars they are super delicious my favorite thanks for sharing. God Bless you!

  7. Bryan Payne
    Bryan Payne says:

    Steve and Denis..
    This will be such a great podcast.. looking forward to it very much.
    And Denis is so correct on how atleast 85% of chefs eat.. this is why i am now a diabetic and so over weight and on keto now..
    What ever the name shall be I'm going to be happy..
    Not so tie kitchen.

  8. Amber Hines
    Amber Hines says:

    I used to be a Dr. pepper junkie. Cut me, I would bleed Dr. Pepper. Then, when I did low carb the first time, I eventually switched to Diet Dr. Pepper. Later, I tried a regular DP and it was terrible. Recently, I found out that aspartame spikes the crap out of my blood sugar, so I stopped drinking them. Broke my heart, but it was a necessary break up. My mom got one tonight at dinner, so I took a sip because I thought I missed it. OMG, it was terrible. I still miss the idea of them, but I don't see myself ever going back

  9. Sara Howland
    Sara Howland says:

    You guys are wonderful, but I sure hope you get a handle on the stress of outdoing yourselves. I’d feel so guilty if you were worrying about pleasing me. I’m SO pleased! Believe me!

  10. Putnut's
    Putnut's says:

    Serious Black Tie mash up…Serious Black Tie Kitchen stories, Serious Black Tie something… Once a month, don't overdo it… We would all miss your own Serious Keto podcasts… The easter eggs, family stories, struggles, etc. (On a side note, in the suggested videos down the side, I have to go a ways down to find another of your videos, but Hifalutin is all over the place… Find out what he is doing, I guess. I haven't watched any of his videos for a couple weeks. This is the 2nd video of yours today, back to back.)

  11. Marti Jo Barrett
    Marti Jo Barrett says:

    The KEY TWO Life.😁

    Favorite line …

    "The KETO it?"πŸ€£πŸ‘

    And my Keto King says, "Ya can't out run a bad diet."

    And Yup … It's not lose weight to get healthy, it's get healthy to lose weight!❀

    Thanks, guuuys!

  12. BeckyA59
    BeckyA59 says:

    Love the CAH reference…. Until a couple years ago it never occurred to me that YouTube content creators felt obligated to post – unless you're doing this for a living of course but that concept is beyond my comprehension lol. Then Safiya Nygard talked about burnout and the problems she was having. I always feel like you're doing us such a great favor be sharing your wisdom, or experience, that I feel grateful and not entitled! So thanks to you both for your efforts, experience, experiments, recommendations and time! Huge fan of both channels!

  13. Susan Emery
    Susan Emery says:

    I was sorry to hear about the pressure to make each post better than the last. I for one don't compare one of your episodes with another. I just enjoy each one for what it is. So what if last week you made a recipe I couldn't wait to try, and this week, I can't get half the ingredients here in Mexico? To be disappointed would be like having friends over and, when they've gone, think, "that visit wasn't up to the standard".


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