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4 Oven ready lasagna noodles 6×2 spring form pan In a bowl put the following 1 cup lower fat ricotta cheese 1 egg 1/2 cup parmesan cheese, shredded 1 …

4 replies
  1. Cheryl Sims
    Cheryl Sims says:

    My springform pan isn’t that deep. I might have to get another one as my mouth is watering as usual from watching you cook. I like spinach so would make it just like you. Yes! You made the 0 point sauce on your channel. Thanks Kathy.

  2. Connie Brown
    Connie Brown says:

    You are making me very hungry! I just went and purchased the 6×2 spring form pan. Now to make some of the 0 point sauce (yes, you did a video on that recipe). Thank you for sharing! I just love your videos and look for them to come up on my feed.


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