VEGAN TASTE TEST || Vegan Mac and Cheese Off!

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Today we’re tasting 6 boxes of vegan mac and cheese! There was a CLEAR winner and a very clear loser (unfortunately). The brands I tried: Namaste Say …

41 replies
  1. Michael Crumpton
    Michael Crumpton says:

    Amy's gluten free vegan mac and cheeze is pretty good. I also buy the diaya packets without the noodles, and I add garlic powder, cumin sriracha and paprika to add to the flavor, the texture is perfect. Oddly the Diaya is fine when you make it but when you reheat it it the sauce magically disappears. I think it gets absorbed by the pasta. Not good. The Diaya also works pretty well for nacho cheese too.

  2. Estee Parede
    Estee Parede says:

    I am not Vegan, but I cannot have anymore Dairy 🥛, tried the Daiya one since I see it everywhere, IT IS NOT A 6 or 7 WHATEVER YOU RATED IT IT IS DISGUSTING FML if that’s the closest thing you vegans have to yummy Mac and cheese / KD FMLLLL

  3. Erin Froehlich
    Erin Froehlich says:

    I was so excited to watch this, but the researcher in me couldn't take it seriously once the noodles were mixed and I turned it off at that point. Even if the pasta looks about the same, the ingredients and the way those ingredients are combined might be different. Also, the shape of the pasta effects the way the sauce adheres – enhancing or detracting from the sauce. New to this channel, and not a great impression. Kind of calls the culinary knowledge here into question. :/

  4. Elizabeth Shaw
    Elizabeth Shaw says:

    Roads End boxed Macaroni and cheese has been around for more than 20 years! And people who have been vegan a long time absolutely love it. I got a six pack of the pasta Riso that you like the best and I haven't tried it yet. I happen to like Big D cheese so I would probably like that one if I needed something fast.

  5. hidenseeker424
    hidenseeker424 says:

    Lisa, you are a god among women for this taste test. I actually believe you know what stuff should taste like, and so I don't have to mess around myself! HOWEVER, sadly, EB's mac n cheese is discontinued and Pastariso seems to only be available in like 8 box packages. Worth it to buy the whole thing for a vegetarian hoping to turn vegan who LOVES her Annie's White Cheddar Mac n Cheese?

  6. Missy Gibson
    Missy Gibson says:

    This was super helpful for me! I recently found out that I cannot consume things with dairy or gluten due to autoimmune issues. It's been a major process trying to find replacements for all of my favorite foods, mac and cheese being my ultimate favorite. I cannot wait to try your favorites and see if they become my favorites too! :). P.S.- I totally think that you should try vegan/gluten free desserts next 🙂

  7. Shannon
    Shannon says:

    I have only ever seen the Daiya one in my town, although I have never tired it. As a fellow Canadian I am wondering where you bought the Pastariso one (I see you have an amazon link, but it is American and I don't see it listed on the Canadian site). 

    Love your videos 🙂

  8. purplypinkpixi21
    purplypinkpixi21 says:

    My favorite is Daiya but since it is $5 for one box sob my go to is Annie's Vegan Mac (not the shells/ sweet potato, pumpkin one). The Annie's is the closest thing to real Kraft I have found.

  9. Blu Pam Marshall
    Blu Pam Marshall says:

    Thanks for some great entertainment, after the 4th Mac & Cheese I was laughing, I cannot buy any of those where I live but I loved watching. Best wishes 🙂 I I will look out your recipes.

  10. Elizabeth Shaw
    Elizabeth Shaw says:

    Daiya has a real funky off taste. Do you know when you used to go to the store to get Kraft cheese and the only thing they had left was Borden? Daiya is Borden. I don't like it.


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