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EASY VEGAN PLANT BASED MEALS Just a few of the things I ate today, I hope you enjoy the pasta cause it’s one of my favs!

9 replies
  1. Carolyn Bradshaw
    Carolyn Bradshaw says:

    The biggest difference between a cherry tomato and grape tomato is shape. As far as taste, grape tomatoes are often meatier, more like a plum tomato, and can be less acidic. Cherry tomatoes are usually juicier. Maybe it's easier to notice a difference when they are fresh from the garden. Our favorite cherry tomato is Sun Gold (they're REALLY good in pasta). We plant dozens of different tomato varieties each year because we love them so much.

  2. Momofboys
    Momofboys says:

    Congratulations on your pregnancy, I’m so excited for you. I’m happy you’re feeling better. You look so beautiful!! Thanks for these delicious and easy meals, can’t wait to try the pasta, seriously never thought of putting hummus in it. Pasta is my fav, so super excited to try it. Thanks again for sharing! 🙏🏽🥰

  3. Heaven Forney
    Heaven Forney says:

    Happy that you are feeling better! I'll add you on my Tik Tok as well. I'm excited because this Fall I'll be starting a food blog/ cooking channel on YouTube on a separate channel. Because this account is just what I use for watching my shows lol. But it's gonna be Vegetarian and Vegan recipes. You've inspired me 💖

  4. Yvette Madrid
    Yvette Madrid says:

    Love your videos and glad you and the little one are healthy 💕 That pasta recipe looks really good. Tried the Gardein sandwiches and they’re really good. Add some BBQ sauce too and 👌🏼 I love how your recipes are simple but nutritious.


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