Vegan Chile Queso Dip, Green Potato Soup & No Ice Cream Needed Pumpkin Spice Shake with Kathy Hester

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12 replies
  1. M T
    M T says:

    This was suuuuch a delightful time 😀 always love having Kathy on the show 🙂 hope the creator camp will be a lot of fun :)! And that the visit to Salem doesn't get too crowded ^^ thank you so much <3

  2. MC
    MC says:

    Should we be taking cooking and nutrition advice from someone obese? Is she living whole food plant based? Hopefully, she is on her journey towards better health.

  3. Bit Finesse
    Bit Finesse says:

    I need advice. What is the premium-level air-fryer for cooking potatoes? I want to just buy one and I want that to be that. My lady is wanting to do fries with her potatoes. I need recommendations for what’s good and I want something with some decent capacity. I appreciate the help.

  4. Crazy Farmgirl
    Crazy Farmgirl says:

    Kids do not want toys or healthy snacks for halloween, not to be rude
    But you can give vegan granola bars, vegan twizzlers, or nickles and quarters no kid will be sad to get money which they could use to buy what they want and no guilt on you.
    Kids really do not want toys and gifts they are out for food and candy those are the gifts that are not wanted i remember being very sad by raisins, and pencils, and then what age do you get just get something all people like. I am not trying to be rude just remembering being a child and what excited me it really will waste your money giving them stuff they will not like or enjoy then all you are doing is filling the landfill.
    Find a healthy packaged snack you fill comfortable enough giving at least yours will be enjoyed and healthier than some of what they will be getting. Google vegan candy or granola bars it will be much safer than giving stuff that will be thrown away.
    Or give every trick or treater a dollar bill jobody will complain about that i promise😂

  5. Kali
    Kali says:

    If people don't want to use nutritional yeast; MISO is a great flavoring. I just make sure to never heat it above a simmer(as that kills all the beneficial vitamins/enzymes), and stir it in my cheeses/sauces at the end. It is high in sodium content so for some that may be a problem BUT it has so many great live enzymes and is such an old traditional food. There are also varieties of miso that are not fermented using soy.


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