Vegan Buddha Bowl – Veganuary One Pot Camping Recipes – Campervan Cooking

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Hey friends, Happy New Year!!! Scroll down to grab todays recipe for this yummy Vegan Buddha Bowl. It’s a good ‘un! **Vegan Buddha Bowl over on da Blog: …

7 replies
  1. Paul Bourne
    Paul Bourne says:

    OI!!!! WENCH!!! You can't go telling us you are going to 'blow our minds' with your future plans and then leave it there!!! That's mean!! You should smuggle (as you Devon/Cornwall folk do) some info to us pre event!!! And don't get me started on the 'lazy wench' thing!!! You think you can tease us week by week for you tasty morsels and then come 'festive Season', you go AWOL!!!! How rude!!!

    Seriously though, I enjoyed this vid. Looked tasty even for me as a carnivore. I hope your exciting future plans go ahead 'as planned', and even though I did miss your regular weekly post over the last couple of weeks, when it's time to ride the 'chill' line, ride it like a boss!!! I hope you and …….David/Trevor/Walter….(Sorry, I'm crap with're 'long suffering partner').. have had a great Xmas and wish you both a fantastic new year! ….Was it Johnny or Tom? I'm sorry Mr. Janey!!! Maybe it's time for you to get some Kudos for your support of the wonderful Janey and step up in front of the camera a little bit!! Loving your input Janey. Keep it coming. Happy New Year!! 🙂



  2. Dairy-State Vegan
    Dairy-State Vegan says:

    I really enjoyed this! I’m so obsessed with all the veganuary videos! Every little bit helps for the environment, animals, and your health! You rock this Veganuary girl!!! I have some super simple videos on my page if you’re ever looking for inspo. New sub here! Can’t wait to watch your veganuary journey! 🌱 my hubby would LOVE that cookbook!


    Oh my goodness X I am so surprised. Thank you so much for the chance to read this book and try some recipes out X Have sent you an E-Mail, hopefully you will get it X Thank you so much and Happy New Year X Take Care X


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