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44 replies
  1. kissy kat
    kissy kat says:

    Hi Lulu, your video popped right up this morning. That’s my dream Van & the first one I would by, if I traveled. 👍🍀😻. Happy Thanksgiving sweet lady. 🦃⭐⭐

  2. Cheryl Martin
    Cheryl Martin says:

    Luanne, no idea why you've been reluctant to show your van. It's terrific. It gives a great example of how to camp in your van without a complete buildout. I love that. I'd like to camp in my van, but I'm more interested in shorter trips than living in it for months on end. Glad you guys had an enjoyable trip. Safe travels home, Lulu.

  3. pamela lawyer
    pamela lawyer says:

    Do you know what I love about your channel. Is that your real. I enjoy your vibrancy and joy in everything you do. your non judgemental about other people and how they live their lives and that's rare.. I enjoy your food choices even though I can't follow such a strict plan., it has helped me make better choices. Your very cool lulu!

  4. M Taylor
    M Taylor says:

    Lol, Luanne you’re ingenious, especially your repurposed spice (that they don’t sell everywhere) tubes 😂😂 and your great back curtain! You gals crack me up! ❤. Safe and happy travels. 🚐

  5. Carol Hughes
    Carol Hughes says:

    I did know that memory foam goes hard in the cold. The first time it happened to me, I took the van out one winter morning, went in the back to make a cup,of tea, sat on the bed and it was ROCK HARD! I honestly thought for a,second that someone had broken into the van and had stolen my mattress 😂😂😂😂😂

  6. Karen Krogh
    Karen Krogh says:

    Thanks both LuAnns for sharing. The plan layout is similar to how I've been thinking of setting up my Freestar van for travels if and when that day comes. My Sienna was rear-ended so it was written off. Loved that the side windows could roll halfway down. Safe travels ❤

  7. Rambling Ruth
    Rambling Ruth says:

    I camp in a minivan – it’s much smaller than the Sienna though. I also have a temporary set up as it’s the family car too. Really enjoyed the van tour as it was full of great ideas. Thank you Luanne!

  8. Carol R
    Carol R says:

    Brilliant ideas Luanne!! The screen rail, ingenious♥️ Loved how you put everything and I've watched tons of van builds. Awesome thoughts on safety, definitely made me rethink my set-up. My potty is in the same kind of footstool and I don't think I've ever seen anyone else with that idea (great minds think alike) Thanks for letting us see your home on wheels. Safe travels wherever you go!!

  9. Erica Smith
    Erica Smith says:

    "Pack for a rollover crash." Great advice. Too many people trust a little bungie to hold down all their cargo. I've seen van dwellers say "this thing is heavy, it won't move anywhere in a crash." 😮 One lady said "this heavy thing is on a shelf in the back but it's behind my drivers seat so it won't hit me if I crash." Oy vey! A friend of a friend died when he crashed and a car jack in his trunk flew forward and smashed his skull.

    Love the van tour! Very neat!

  10. Linda Chiappetta
    Linda Chiappetta says:

    Good day you two! Some awesome ideas for setting up for travel. Awesome idea, tie down everything for the unexpected. Pray you both have a safe journey home. 🥰 I believe we all have thoroughly enjoyed being able to ride along for your 6 week journey. Thank you for sharing. ❤

  11. pammy lou
    pammy lou says:

    Thank you so much Luanne for showing off your van I love the screen molding for the curtains. I've struggling with a simple solution for front and back curtains and now I knoe exactly what I'm gonna do 😄 Lulu I hope yu are having safe travels home

  12. Red Clipper
    Red Clipper says:

    I have been watching Lulu for sometime now but have never commented. Love your channel, so inspiring. Thank you. So glad Luanne did a tour. What a great setup and so many, many great ideas. Keep 'em coming ladies, you two are awesome!

  13. Jea
    Jea says:

    👏👏👏 great job! 👍👍 thanks for the tour! Your ideas are clever and helpful to me and others… love the curtain on the screen trim! I know where I can implement that! AND as always Lulu thank you again and again for your time and efforts putting these great videos together 🎄36days to Xmas 🤶…safe journeys always 🙏


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