Using Easter Egg Leftovers! Golden Morning Sunshine, Deviled Eggs And More!

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Using Easter Egg Leftovers! Golden Morning Sunshine, Deviled Eggs And More! In today’s show, I’ll be making some easy …

43 replies
  1. Candace Brady
    Candace Brady says:

    I don't think ANYONE owes someone a gift for getting married. IT is so nice when someone does give a gift out of the goodness of their heart, but seriously you shouldn't expect anything from anyone even if you are paying for a dinner for your guests. If you invite people to your wedding reception, then its because you want them there to celebrate your special day not because they are cash cows needed to supply your home. Have some gratitude, have some class, and have some manners people!!!!

  2. Darlene Melancon
    Darlene Melancon says:

    I was helping a neighbor plan a budget wedding for her daughter. When I went to sites about budget weddings they were calling $10,000- $30,000 A BUDGET WEDDING. We went to dollar tree and bought everything to decorate with for $100 dollars. We shopped our homes and used vases and containers and dishes we had. It was a small wedding of about 60 people,Everyone offered to bring food and a cousin made the wedding and groom's cake as a gift.It was beautiful and everyone commented on how elegant it was. People spend 10's of thousands of dollars on weddings and pay for it for years. Sometimes the debt lasts longer than the marriage.My husband was a volunteer fireman, so we got married in the room used for gatherings at the top of the fire station and the chaplain married us. The ladies auxiliary decorated it for us. We bought our wedding cake, my mother in law made the groom's cake, and we made sandwiches and punch.We spend less than $500 including our outfits. We will be married 40 yrs in may.

  3. Rachel Black
    Rachel Black says:

    My favorite way to make hard boiled eggs is the 5-5-5 method in the InstantPot. High pressure for 5 minutes, natural release for 5 minutes, and 5 minutes in the ice bath.

  4. Tammy Baker
    Tammy Baker says:

    My sister taught me a trick for deviled eggs – put the yolks in a ziplock bag, add the mayo & whatever seasonings (or mustard, or vinegar, or whatever your recipe is), smoosh that all together, then you snip off the corner. Pipe into the whites. No dirty bowl – just throw the bag away afterwards. Very, very easy. Very little clean up.

  5. reta strong
    reta strong says:

    I promise you an Insta pot cooks eggs wonderfully. I did not believe all the hype about it until I tried it and when I have a large number eggs that’s the way I cook them. And they peal beautifully they look like the magazine deviled eggs where the white is all smooth and intact. If you don’t have an Insta pot steaming them also works just as well I put my steamer basket in the pot put some water in the bottom and let them cook for eight minutes and they peal just as nice.

  6. Betty Sprong
    Betty Sprong says:

    I think weddings have gotten out of hand also. I went to a wedding shower nit long ago and it was like you to a old fashioned wedding itself. The gifts were so expensive.
    I'm disabled and on a fixed income and I thought my crock pot cookbook they had on their list for a reasonable price was a good gift. It was funny . At the table I was at all of us my sister and some others felt as I did. But others spent $.75-$100 or +!!!!!. Amazing. It was so fun but I couldn't believe the difference.

  7. Ms. T
    Ms. T says:

    Mayo used to be called "salad dressing" when it was a recipe and had to be made by hand (mayo in a jar at the store did not exist then). Ham salad, etc. was made using left-over meat, relishes and salad dressing, hence the "salad" name. Meat sandwiches were often made using butter on the bread — butter was in a crock "already made" (churned) and so the extra work of making salad dressing was avoided. I remember my granny eating roast beef, chicken, cheese or even a radish sandwich on buttered bread instead of using mayo, and it was not appetizing to me. Kind of like how the kids put ranch on everything now — LOL.

  8. Laura Richards
    Laura Richards says:

    Woo!! Happy Happy 😃 It’s Okay Tawra I understand your busy as a Bee. As for me I’ve been busy working in the field its ready for Irrigation. Water will be turned on April 20th. Congratulations on Paying your house off

  9. SJ R
    SJ R says:

    Golden Morning Sunshine, takes me back to the 50s, forgot all about this, and can't remember what we called this recipe, like you demonstrated, used over toast.
    We used this recipe so often and than stopped and forgot about it all of these years until your show.
    Bringing back old memories~

  10. Mary Raybon
    Mary Raybon says:

    I am with Jill, I love the Golden Morning Sunshine too, I was raised on it. Thanks so much for sharing!.  Take care and be blessed. You can make a brown gravy and add the eggs, like you make the giblet gravy on Thanksgiving, but you don't add the giblets, just brown gravy and egg, it's really good too, I like it over cornbread dressing or the stove top stuffing mix. 🙂

  11. Debbie Cooper
    Debbie Cooper says:

    What are the books that Tawra and Jill like to read? She has mentioned them several times but I can’t remember the author’s name. I think they are pioneer era type novels.

  12. SuSu Burleson
    SuSu Burleson says:

    Pre-mixing the deviled egg and egg salad condiments is a great idea! I’m laughing at the fact that I never thought of that. In my family, we’d say we didn’t think of it because it makes too much sense!

    GEAUX FRUGAL says:

    Use your pressure cooker next time they peel near instantly. When it gets to steam, cook 6 min more cool the pot and peel under running water. You are welcome in advance.


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