UPDATED Homemade Dog Food Recipe | Questions, Comments and Suggestions Answered

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Updates and changes to my dog food recipe along with simplifying the process In this video I answer top questions and address …

37 replies
  1. Kathy Gilbert
    Kathy Gilbert says:

    Is there any way you could share the approx calories count in the “heaping cup” that you use? I am slowly transitioning to only homemade food but i am finishing up some kibble that I have. I appreciate it and know that it is only an approximation. Thank you.

  2. Tracy Dimond
    Tracy Dimond says:

    Going off @faithsgardenofweeden7366 's suggestion…i have an electric roaster that'll hold up to a 28 lb bird, it also has a removable inner liner so you'd have an easier time cleaning up. Or if you needed to cook for large or giant breeds of dogs.

    I have taken to adding a dash of black pepper and about 1/3 tsp. Tumeric and 1/3 tsp. Ginger in my coffee. Didn't think about adding it to my dogs' food. Still learning as i go. 😊

  3. venter nicky
    venter nicky says:

    I think you are doing a great job!!! Don’t take some of the beings too seriously 😅. You know your fur baby!! Look after her your way. These big mouths don’t even cook for their own dogs, if they even own a dog?

  4. Linda Raines
    Linda Raines says:

    Great suggestion the food safe pail!!! Do what your Vet and You decide are good for your dog! Don’t listen to the criticism from you get. Love your advise. Talked to my Vet about your recipe and he was very satisfied with what you are doing!!

  5. Faye
    Faye says:

    Thank you for this recipe!! My old girl has been having stomach issues and i cant find a good dog food that keeps her tummy happy. this would ease my stress so much to know everything in it.. Also as a commenter, i apologize for the others who are obnoxiously whining about everything in your videos.. yeeesh. but thank you for this! Will try soon.

  6. Shirley Bautista
    Shirley Bautista says:

    My lab mix is 10 years old. I feed her eggs when we eat eggs. She loves eggs and cheese. Ok haven't figured out yet how to get her to let me cut her nails. When we were in the city I just walked her on the pavement.

  7. Faith's Garden of Weeden
    Faith's Garden of Weeden says:

    If you REALLY want to save yourself time and energy invest in a 20qt electric roaster pan. It will hold EVERYTHING for a 2 week batch and you can add things as they need to be cooked. Then you can out right from the roaster into the bowls to freeze. One pan needs to be washed.

  8. lovemy animals
    lovemy animals says:

    Not sure if you realized that you made a mistake in the written recipe. You have down 5tsp of black pepper and 1/4 tsp of egg shells. I'm thinking it's the other way around….? If so, you might want to change that for some that don't watch the vid, they just go by the written recipe 🙂 Thank you for sharing !

  9. Jill Marie
    Jill Marie says:

    Add in some Kale, anticancer properties. Do away with the rice. Dogs do not need starchy carbs. If you want a healthy "filler" use quinoa. I love what you are doing. Always trying to convince people to feed better food to their dogs.
    Also note that if you ever use beef or chicken that has a higher fat content, the fat should be removed. Raw fat is ok, but cooked fat can lead to pancreatitis. So the meat broth should sit over night to allow the fat to rise to the top and then be skimmed off.
    Also add some cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, or brussel sprouts. For amount to feed, if your dog gets fat feed less, if too skinny feed more. I have a holistic/integrative vet and been homecooking dog food for over 6 years. My dog acts and looks like a puppy at 7. Also feed a can of wild caught packed in spring water no salt added sardines once a week. Greek lipped mussels are great for joint health, especially for older or very active dogs.
    Please check out my homemade dog food videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQZd4V_C9YA&list=PLhlXwWGH2LkhT7ZUSiq7FnWOMXkl-tN8c&index=15
    and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU6_0IVFtKM&list=PLhlXwWGH2LkhT7ZUSiq7FnWOMXkl-tN8c&index=16
    for some added ideas. Also visit this site: https://drjudymorgan.com/ for some awesome dog food recipes, supplements, and even a dog food course, and no I do not get anything for recommending her other than knowing maybe I helped you on your journey to provide better food for your dog.

  10. drew407
    drew407 says:

    This is perfect! I’d get more healthy fats though. That way the protein to fat ratio is more balanced. Maybe a 1/8 cup of coconut oil? It might also be a little low in calories if this is supposed to be a weeks worth. Older big dogs should get at least 1200-1700 calories a day. This would be well below that. I think at least.

  11. Linda Lee
    Linda Lee says:

    Wild blueberries are higher in antioxidants fyi, and they come frozen in a bag, also I compared beans to broccoli and went with broccoli. I also do half turkey and half ground beef. I just need to add something with more calories cause my old man seems to be getting thinner like old dogs do but he loves this food!

  12. kj
    kj says:

    Can't believe I watched this and just realized you add the rice veggies in with your potatoes and carrots I did 3 25 minute steps birth times that I made this already lol I'm unnecessarily killing myself lmao I need to pay s attention better Many thanks for the great suggestions Our dogs love watching me do this for them. They already learned the Psssssss noise I announce before releasing
    steam is me imitating the instapot release lol Means FOOD is coming! 😂 They're patient but geez they stalk the kitchen worse than a hungry hubby lol ❤😂 Many thanks

  13. G.D. Anonymous
    G.D. Anonymous says:

    I'm still seeing peas in your recipe. NO PEAS! NO PEAS! NO PEAS! Glad to see egg yolks. They are high in vitamin D, and so good to see you're grinding the egg shells for calcium. Please add some Omega 3, either from krill or other approved fish.
    A great, great YT channel to watch is Dr. Jones DVM of Veterinary Secrets He also has a recipe for dogs with food allergies.

    So happy to see how much you love ❤ Sable.


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