Unpopular Nutrition Truths (You may need to hear..)

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39 replies
  1. No0bT4rD
    No0bT4rD says:

    Two first claims you make are false lol.

    Claim 1: Deficit of exactly 3500 calories per week will not make you lose 1 pound per week.

    Truth: Yes it will (give or take a couple percent). Your body is not magic. Stop it with this Gwyneth Paltrow shit. Sure if you change your routine like working out less because you're eating less you may not lose a pound, but then you're also not in a 3500c deficit. You may also lose additional water weight or add water weight. Some people exchange food for water when losing weight which means they have more water in them. It does not mean they are losing less weight in terms of fat though.

    Claim 2: BMI is bullshit.

    Truth: It is bullshit for men who are both muscular and lower bf (sub 20%). For women it is pretty much always accurate and useful. Why? Because women cannot gain as much muscle mass as men.

  2. sazonada
    sazonada says:

    Everything in moderation… Including listening to well Intentioned "Experts."

    Great people like her what to protect others from diet culture, but people like her can do a throw the baby out with the bathwater kind of thing.

    The internet is full of nutjobs that want to sell you something but, for example…intermittent fasting is not simply calorie reduction. It affects the hormones that make me constantly hungry.

    Listen to people like her who teach moderation, but don't (Like me) completely blow off things that may be the answer to what's holding you back. Find diverse sources that cute studies.

  3. heloop
    heloop says:

    Working in retail also helps people learn how to respect others. I can totally tell the people who have worked retail and the ones who haven't. They will trash the store because they have never had to work in that environment.

  4. heloop
    heloop says:

    All these family vloggers that have made millions upon millions, could have easily stopped and lived comfortably after that first surge of millions. If they were wise and spent their money wisely.

  5. Gabriel
    Gabriel says:

    I started eating 4 twble spoons of pumpkin seeds and now I'm pooping more. This is such a big step for me as im always never pooping. Im on the toilet typing this

  6. Kaugummiqueen Bloggerin
    Kaugummiqueen Bloggerin says:

    The BMI isn't bullshit. It works for the majority of tje population. There are exceptions, like for bodybuilders for example, but for most people it's a very solid first good indicator to see if your weight is in a healthy range.

  7. Rea Ota
    Rea Ota says:

    What's the idea behind the bone broth thing? I always hear that eating yogurt is good for your digestive system, is that also bs? Or is it that both (?) Of these things might help a little, but if you take antibiotics or have a stressful life/anxiety they won't cut it?

  8. Hi I'm Awkward
    Hi I'm Awkward says:

    You dont need a clense. Your body can detoxify itself.

    Supplements are ultra processed and uncontrolled by the FDA. Stop preaching about ultra processed foods while chugging your protein drink

    Getting more vitimans in wont make you healthier. If you don't have a deficit, you don't have a problem. If anything your more likely to poison yourself.

    "Clean eating" is just diet culture in a different costume.

  9. TLA Oltjenbruns
    TLA Oltjenbruns says:

    Taking 35 calories out of your diet everyday will definitely not help you lose /consistent/ weight. This is because you will drop to the weight that amount of calories allows you based on your metabolism and activity level and then you will stay there (assuming you are consistent with everything else in your life including exercise). If you want to keep losing weight, you must regularly keep dropping them calories, meaning you will be needing to drop 100 calories before you know it. This is difficult because it will lead to you continuously depriving yourself and micromanaging your caloric intake. Some people can do this, but it's not something that is super easy or intuitive.

    Taking steps to change your eating lifestyle as a whole will yield much more sustainable results that you'll be able to keep up with for years, if not decades, instead of a few months (or less).

    Consciously stuffing in more greens and simple grains as well as choosing leaner proteins will help you feel full on less calories, but you will still hit a wall even after that.

    Each person has different ways they digest nutrients, so relaxed, no judgement experimentation is the best way to find something that works well for you. Remember that weight should have no relation to the scale or the size of your clothes– it's dependent on how you feel. If you have energy, a stable mood, and you can move how you want without pain or discomfort, you've hit the weight that's right for you ❤

  10. Yugoslava
    Yugoslava says:

    Taking various supplements, vitamins, minerals, vitamin B injections, various IV boosters and IV food unless you are not hospitalized and unable to eat by yourself, is one big commercial bs.

  11. B
    B says:

    Actually, we still don’t know the long term effects of artificial sweeteners so maybe don’t say they don’t cause cancer when you actually have no idea or way of proving that.


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