U.S Mɪʟɪᴛᴀʀʏ Iɴᴛᴇʟ Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ 10/03/2021.

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U.S Mɪʟɪᴛᴀʀʏ Iɴᴛᴇʟ Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ 10/03/2021.

42 replies
  1. Karen Hackbarth
    Karen Hackbarth says:

    Staying focused on life mission. Till this war is done and the dirty swept away. This is like dealing a with 2yr old. Going through it's brain stage of growth . It seems like forever at the moment. In reality it's only a year of Patience stretching for the adults and child. How well it turns out depends on the adults and their emotional maturity.

  2. Sheila
    Sheila says:

    I've noticed you all say geasera will come on the 15th. But many are listening to Alexa but Geasera and Dussehra sounds the same. I ask Google and yes Dussehra is the 15th of October but it means a festival for the Hindus'. FYI

  3. joereb123
    joereb123 says:

    Bulshit, now they kicked the can down the road to October 15th. The only thing accomplished is the communist is still destroying America with millions of illegals and the voting system is corrupt.

  4. Robert
    Robert says:

    This isn't about greedy people. This is about a bulshit never-ending game in progress and the best thing that they can do is get it over with already, if only just disclosing the truth, since they got this. People need the truth. And what is the truth? I don't believe there is such a thing, as The Story Goes…

  5. Cherokee Mom
    Cherokee Mom says:

    Thankyou for you great news briefs.
    I love the way you put it out! Everyone does a real good job! You talk distinct enough and slower for some can't understand. "Good job!" Truly.

  6. Jolene Pease
    Jolene Pease says:

    I really thought the white house red was very telling. Patriots we were being told we are red October ready. I know I am. This may be the week we've been hoping for. Little Fox keep it up.

  7. Patriot Girl
    Patriot Girl says:

    Though we are tired from time to time, no matter what, stay with God, keep the faith he will get us through.
    Those of you who doesn't believe in God we ask you to get close to him, then you will know the peace and calmness he provides.
    Blessings to call, pray for all the right things be done.

  8. Elena Nash
    Elena Nash says:

    Quit being greedy? Oh, that's Real Forceful…"ya'll just quit it." That packs some real power, doesn't it? Are you kidding me? Mankind IS Greedy, that is our Nature! NOPE, You're going to have come up with something that pacts a lot more impact then, "Quit being greedy." These people are committing Fraud with the RV! They should take what's being offered or get NOTHING at all! These people are not stupid! They are deliberately trying to stop the RV all together; and unless I miss my guess, their tactic is not going to work! Remember, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Q

  9. Michael Casey
    Michael Casey says:

    Payout from the bottom to the top wealthy greedy people can never be satisfied
    Stop allowing them to hold up the whole system
    While they stall
    Many others suffer through each day

  10. NAT ION
    NAT ION says:

    It is amazing how fast dems managed to bring America down. They wanted to "build back better" and they did it. America is almost back where it was before Trump. And so fast !! Dems have talent to bring destruction no matter what they touch and where they turn.


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