Turkey Leftovers | Vlogmas #2 2018

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Creamy Tuscan Chicken Recipe: https://cafedelites.com/creamy-tuscan-chicken/ My Instant Pot: https://amzn.to/2Q1X1tY * ▽ FREQUENTLY ASKED …

43 replies
  1. Linda Daley
    Linda Daley says:

    I am an old fashioned cook and love to boil the chicken bones after we have a chicken (or turkey) dinner. Then I make chicken soup (with dumplings). I also use barley in my soup instead of rice. Yummy! Freezes well also.

  2. Bobbi Hargraves
    Bobbi Hargraves says:

    Margret I've started crocheting in July and I've made a few projects I swear u have made a video about but how do u wash ur projects and then dry? I've seen and heard so many things I just dont know where to start can u give me a little help

  3. Shar's Creations
    Shar's Creations says:

    made an awesome soup with the leftover turkey with noodles and rice mostly rice lol and of course, fresh veggies in it also made my own broth which was bone broth but left the meat in the broth because I was just going to be using for turkey soup the very next day.

  4. Stefanie Staniak
    Stefanie Staniak says:

    Thanks for the info. I have been on the fence about the instapot for awhile now but you may have pushed me over the edge. Good to hear about the fat issue. I’m a member of Weight Watchers and they got on the band wagon a few years back about healthy fats. And I have to say, the plan is working.
    BTW, the Tuscan chicken recipe looks amazing. Thanks for the link.

  5. DixieGirl9876
    DixieGirl9876 says:

    I too use a pressure cooker as well as a pressure canner. That dish looks fab! I usual make turkey salad with the left overs and freeze the rest in portion sizes for future salads. "Everything in moderation" is my motto. Have a fab weekend!

  6. AN - Alechia Neathery
    AN - Alechia Neathery says:

    I have always said how not much you eat. I eat out of plastic seashells plate or medium sized plate. That enough food for me. Scenic have said the smaller the plant
    I heard that sugar makes you want more,like drinking coke/soda. Sent the dentist told me to stop drinking soda because it bad on your teeth and body. I try when I teenager but when I meet my boyfriend he love soda so much that it was making his blood sugar worse. I went to the all natural soda with real sugar. I got were I didn't care for soda. What help me brake me for drinking soda was when my boyfriend had the stomach bypass surgery. No more coke/soda. He has to eat lots of protein. I have stay around 106 pounds. My doctor wants me to gain weight. Trying to eat healthy foods even with small bit size kit-kat,reese's peanut cups and other candy. I don't eat a lot of bread or rices. I do eat some pasta that made using vegetable, eat a lot of tuna, salmon and eggs which is good protein for my boyfriend. So we try to stay away from food that my boyfriend can't have on his stomach bypass weight lost. Sent my doctor doesn't like that I'm not gaining weight. I like staying the weight I am.
    So thank you for sharing this video.

  7. ambie kraftsreads
    ambie kraftsreads says:

    Hello Margaret!! What a great looking recipe!! I do one that is very similar, though it has no meat. I do garlic and mushrooms in butter, with Italian seasoning, then add cream and spinach and top it off with olive oil, eat it over farfalle with cheese sprinkled on top. My family loves it!! Loving your holiday videos!!
    Happy Vlogmas and God Bless

  8. Nana Kate
    Nana Kate says:

    I remember when pressure cooker blew up on my cousin! Ooch! He had 3rd degree burns. Thank goodness for insta-pot! Now I'm not scared to use one. Thanks for the video. I love them. Keep them coming!

  9. Joanna Sperandeo
    Joanna Sperandeo says:

    My family tradition for at least the past 60 years or so is to make Turkey Hash. Basically it’s made with diced up turkey and potatoes in the gravy served over rice. Lol Talk about carb-coma! Back in the “good old days “ they needed a cheap meal that would “stick to your ribs”. I have not carried on this tradition, so I just usually make a turkey veggie soup. I just got a good deal on an instapot and can’t wait to try it! I’ll have to try this recipe. Thanks!

  10. Renna Hanlon
    Renna Hanlon says:

    That dish you made looked scrumptious!
    I am in 100% agreement with you in regards to the things you shared about healthy eating. Sadly, so many doctors do still push the low fat/low cholesterol way of eating. I jumped off that bandwagon two years ago. 👍🏻
    I also love my Instant Pot. I especially like it during holidays when we always have deviled eggs on the menu. I cooked 19 eggs in mine last week, and the greatest thing about the IP is that the shells literally slide off the eggs when you peel them. That fact alone makes having an IP worth it to me.

  11. Julie Dukes
    Julie Dukes says:

    THANKSGIVING PARFAIT! Layer leftover turkey, dressing, potatoes & gravy in a casserole. Toss in the freezer for a quick dinner to pull out during December. Add a green salad & maybe a Christmas cookie for a treat for dessert. Yum!

  12. Judy Meulman
    Judy Meulman says:

    So glad to hear you talk about this! I’ve been on keto for six months and feel tremendous! I also have been able to quit one of my insulin’s! It’s the way to go and for the first time in my life I’m in control of my food! Not the food in control! Sorry got on my soap box! Love You!💕💞💕💞💕

  13. Patti Shaw
    Patti Shaw says:

    Margaret you are so right. One year ago I was diagnosed with diabetes. I changed my whole lifestyle, cutting sugar and carbs. I have lost 80 lbs. and dropped my A1C to 5.09. My Dr. says I am diabetic free. Woo Hoo!!!! I will never go back to that way of eating.

  14. Linda Goodwillie
    Linda Goodwillie says:

    Hello Margaret! I am very excited because I put off buying an instapot for a very long time as well. I passed up many on sale. I finally have one being shipped to me now. Thank you for the recipe! My husband is a diabetic and we have finally as of this year gone back to eating butter in our home. I agree with you about carbs and sugar being the culprit after losing 7bs about three years ago. However I am not as informed about nutrition as you are. I fractured you ankle in August of 2017 then required surgery last surgery because it did not heal correctly last July. Well as you can imagine being very immobile for over a year and being sick (bronchitis stuff) all summer and Fall has put some weight back on that is very much unwanted weight back on. Yes part of it has been eat what I can when I can but this has to end! 😞 I wonder if you would be interested in doing some videos strictly on nutrition and weight because you are an expert? I believe many people would be very grateful for your expertise and they can be completely separate from your crochet videos. That way if you feel that some would mind they can choose not to watch. I do enjoy listening to you and your thoughts on things. I do understand you are very busy now as you still have children growing up and in school. Mine are all grown and I still font seem to have all the time I need so I will understand either way. It is a suggestion for you maybe something to think about. I have battled my weight all of my life. As of this time last year I was wearing sizes 4-6 which is good for me because I’m only 5’2 1/2. Now I have a whole closet full of those sizes and nothings fits again! OMG! Well enough of me! I wish you well with Bussey’s first Christmas. I hope I am spelling that right without checking. She is a doll. I adopted a kitten in October and her name is Sugar! Yes that is right, no pun intended. She is just so sweet! It is her first Christmas too. I’m not certain about a tree because we are still in the midst of updating our home since last summer starting with all of the outside now there have been delays on the inside. Next week they will be installing new wood floors and we still have to paint the interior and carpet. I’m not certain we will have a Christmas tree this year which makes me sad and feel guilty. That you Margaret for all you do. I appreciate each and every video you make now that I have found you! Have a wonderful Christmas with your beautiful family! Much love! ❤️

  15. Melanie Stitch to my Lou
    Melanie Stitch to my Lou says:

    Hi Margaret! I love how you improvise in the kitchen and I couldn’t agree more about your diet philosophy but why oh why are refined carbs so good?!? 😉 I also wanted to invite you to join some of us in a Holiday Traditions Tag that I started on my channel. It would be so fun to hear your responses! I also created a public playlist that you can add your video to as well. Here is a link to my video with all the info and tag questions. https://youtu.be/8n6bpy8-bxk I hope you’ll join the fun!

  16. Marcia McGuire
    Marcia McGuire says:

    Hi Margaret – Bravo on Nutrition Enlightenment – spot on ! Funny that there is that THIRD topic that is ' iffy ' for conversation !!! Got a giggle on that ! Fab Recipe's – – though we are vegetarian – so over pasta/squash – YUM !!!!! Thank you as always! marcia

  17. May Stewart Olson
    May Stewart Olson says:

    I really appreciated your explanation of fats…I am in an  agreement with you and  get flack from some but I hold my ground. It comes from those who eat sugar galore which I do not!  I love your Instant Pot and want one. Low carb High fat gives me energy and makes my skin look good  whereas carbs make me sleepy and fat! I love veggies also.

  18. Charlotte Ceeko
    Charlotte Ceeko says:

    Thanks, I also use real milk eggs avocado and things on that order. My big problem is carbs I'm a bread eater love potatos. So there in lies my problem. No I'm not over weight, just give up my bread and potatoes. I have been using vegetable pasta for spaghetti what do you think? Thanks.

  19. Jolene Larson
    Jolene Larson says:

    It took me a long, long time to "step away from the cookbook" and trust what knowledge I had, when it comes to substituting or ad-libbing items,, as if my cook books' recipes were set in stone or something. 😀 I still do rely on Taste of Home, etc., a lot and wish I could have the confidence to just wing it every day.

  20. Yarnjoy Podcast
    Yarnjoy Podcast says:

    Hi Margaret! That recipe looks amazing! Love my Instantpot as well. I was wondering if you have ever heard of Trim Healthy Mama. I love their recipes and my husband and I have both lost weight using their recipes. The reason I asked is because they also have a creamy tuscan chicken recipe that looks very similar to the one you made. I just thought you might like to check their books out if you hadn't heard of them. Enjoying your holiday video series! {hugs}

  21. Maggie'sGrace
    Maggie'sGrace says:

    I never quit eating eggs, butter, shrimp or anything like that!! My kids always drank whole milk. Years ago (30) my mother told me that whole fat is necessary for children's brain development, so I always used whole fat dairy. I am allergic to coconut oil, as is my child and I noticed the sink gets clogged when we use certain toothpastes with coconut oil. I am doing more vegetarian food and feel so much better than eating meat. I do eat carbs, I eat lots of quinoa and rice and I feel so much better! Love the instant pot as well. I have been a pressure cooker for a long time, it makes vegetarian cooking a breeze! We can't stand turkey around here, too, and most of the sides at Thanksgiving are kinda gross!!!

  22. Sheryl Dickenson
    Sheryl Dickenson says:

    This recipe sounds amazing! I too am a lover of the instant pot. I am severely lactose intolerant; as are my grandchildren so I would change this just a bit by using a can of coconut milk in place of the cream and milk.


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