Tuesdays With Stories w/ Mark Normand & Joe List #522 Fat Blacklisted

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Mark goes to Martha’s Vineyard, takes shrooms, freaks out, and is forced to fly off the island on a mousetrap in the sky. Does he …

38 replies
  1. The Pitthead
    The Pitthead says:

    Mark Normand is the most inept, unfunny oaf among the bunch. He's another Schaub who rides on the coattails of all the others around his untalented behind…
    Making fun of Ric Flair's dead son when he already cuts himself off the show is so atrocious and he deserves to tb banned from all comedy platform as he had never been funny once..

  2. The Mummy Cats
    The Mummy Cats says:

    To Mark,

    I’m not trying to meet you or suck you off, but I will trade you some of the best mushrooms you will ever have for 2 tickets to your Birmingham, AL show. If you aren’t 100% satisfied with the shrooms I’ll sit on a cactus and fist myself.

    I sent you a DM on IG

    Stay Gay!

  3. Leah Solfest
    Leah Solfest says:

    Mark. Your stories are helping me get through life right now. Somone ran a red light on the 16th and totaled my car. My dad had to have emergency surgery last sunday and i was supposed to go to florida for vacation on Monday but i had to cancel last minute cuz of my dad. so im out 300$ on the plane ticket.

  4. Ben U
    Ben U says:

    I loved the airplane story. What a story for the pod!! I bet you were thinking that same time while you were basically flying the damn thing. Picturing mark with a leather helmet, goggles, and a scarf had me howling at work 😂😂😂


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