Tuesday Talk | Week 2 80/20 Results and Meal Pics | Major Disappointment of the Week!

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Tuesday Talk | Week 2 80/20 Results and Meal Pics | Major Disappointment of the Week! **Canadians: Here is the @ForaCare …

37 replies
  1. Vicki Kiraly
    Vicki Kiraly says:

    Thanks for the meal examples and doing the calculations for us. I've tried 2-3 macro apps but they just don't work out (without paying for premium features). When I do my best at tracking, I'm coming up way under my target.

  2. Cynthia Law
    Cynthia Law says:

    Congratulations on being down a pound. My weight fluctuates 5 lbs up and down regularly. So I'm jaded about any weight change. Not liking to track macros is exactly why I switched to ketovore and then to carnivore. But I learned that my eyes lie about what a serving size is.

  3. Teresa P
    Teresa P says:

    Thank you, Anita. I just talked to Dr Cywes and he told me I'm eating the right things to maintain, but too much to lose. I don't know intuitive eating either and I don't get to satiety. He told me that won't work for me. I need to track and eat less.

    I'm going to do that and see if I can break this stall I've been in for the last 11 months.

    I'm 60. SW 342, CW 235, GW 160. I'm been doing keto/carnivore for 2.5 years. I'm also a t2d.

  4. Vani Hansen
    Vani Hansen says:

    Yes I started gaining when I increased my fat. I lost the first day then gained. They say it's because your body is fixing things inside you… I have a lot to fix… kidneys, pancreas.. I also heard you want to start with fat though otherwise you'll be hungrier..which is what happened to me..I was not using a lot of fat to begin with… some but not probably the amount I needed..I was always hungry. I went off it for a couple weeks.. I'm going to start again but with more fat this time and hoping I get better results. I think I might just need more meat though and less fat..I don't know.

  5. PetiteD
    PetiteD says:

    The Freestyle Precision Neo also reads blood sugar and ketones and is also available in Canada. I live in Toronto though and I’m able to find the meter and the strips at Walmart or Shoppers Drug Mart readily available. You get the meter for free if you buy 100 glucose strips but you can only get that offer once per year or two. I initially ordered mine on the Diabetes Depot website though before I realized it was in stores, but if you can’t find it in stores then that’s another option. Best wishes on your hunt!

  6. Gladys O'Brien
    Gladys O'Brien says:

    Wendy, (Loving it on keto) is having trouble with her MOJO, too! Today, she is giving up.
    I do not believe it is you! It is a malfunctioning MOJO! You are eating zero carb! Zero, is zero, is zero! Keep up the great work!🐂🧈🍳

  7. Michelle Baker
    Michelle Baker says:

    Oh boy, do I have stories about DHL, and none of them good! All shipping for me have been domestic and I cannot imagine international even though it’s their easiest international customer being Canada. Glad you found an alternative

  8. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    Shipping makes me crazy, especially UPS SurePost which is UPS shipping and the package is delivered to the post office and then they deliver it. We have many UPS trucks come through my development every day. Why can't they just deliver it themselves instead of waiting an extra day just to get the item shipped for free???? So aggravating. I watch the tracking. Lately USPS has been delivering packages to their Phillipsburg drop (20 minutes from me) and then shipping it off to Teterboro, which is over an hour from me and then they deliver it to my post office. Why not go from Phillipsburg to me. Would take one less day. Nope. Not for free. Urgh!! So infuriating. I had a package from Perfect Keto get diverted to Pennsylvania and then come to me. Why?? They couldn't find my tiny town?? I know how infuriating it can be. I hope you finally get your monitor.

  9. Reba Georgiadis
    Reba Georgiadis says:

    Always helpful, thank you for sharing your experience in such detail! I feel that I need to track as I cannot seem to understand how much protein to eat. But I can't seem to do it, mentally. Found a new butcher today and got wonderful beef, pork, lamb meats. He's even collecting beef fat to give me on Friday.

  10. china33ful
    china33ful says:

    Congratulations on your 1 lb loss! So frustrating for you re: keto mojo strips. I can’t grasp how to figure out the 80/20 ratio. I printed out your list of meat fat ratios but how do you figure out how much butter you need to supplement? Thanks!

  11. Susan Vanduyn
    Susan Vanduyn says:

    Anita, listening to your struggles and analysis is so helpful because they are my struggles also! (Almost Identical except I can not get my glucose <100. No sugar, no starches, 10 – 20 total carbs 😵‍💫.) I go thru bursts of tracking and then taper off. The two constant benefits of tracking for me are portioning and ditching the quilt about what I’m eating. I totally get the 80 – 20 concept but on what do I base the quantity of what to eat. Even after 2 years of keto and 40 lb. loss I still struggle with the calorie counting demon.

  12. The Davises
    The Davises says:

    I hear you. If I "intuitively eat" I would eat chocolate/sweets all day, and I would be snacking/grazing all throughout the day and night, instead of eating whole meals. Idk why but checking to make sure my ketones are doing good always encourages me. Even if they're low it helps me to know I need to eat more fat. (That's what keeps ketones higher for me.) I've never been the type that people's words like "you can do it" or "don't give up" help me. I think I'm very logically minded, so numbers on the scale/tape measurer and keto mojo that's what really encourages me.

  13. The Davises
    The Davises says:

    Do you check your measurements? Like waist, hips, bust, arms, legs? Sometimes even though I don't lose weight or even if I gain weight, I will go down in inches around different parts of my body. Idk how it works but it can be disheartening for sure if I don't check anything other than weight.

  14. C M
    C M says:

    I just started using the keto mojo app. I wish the meter could measure negative ketosis, whatever that means! 🙂 I am eating the very same as what I used to eat when I lost over 40 pounds, just 2 years ago. But now, I just stay the same weight. I figure, at least I am not gaining, and that's a good thing! Thanks for all your videos.

  15. Maudegrey
    Maudegrey says:

    Thank you for Tuesday’s talk
    I don’t get to me good readings . 4 I watch Wendy and she’s okay with that reading. When I get that reading and the strip shows trace !!! I am losing slowly. So you telling me about your readings made me feel like misery loves
    company😊thanks for your videos
    I love oxtail such a rich flavor so far I haven’t broke down and paid those high prices❤

  16. Suzi Kirby
    Suzi Kirby says:

    I feel that if I don't track (for now, don't want it to be a forever thing) how will I know what doesn't work or what does? I can't fix or tweak what I don't know I'm doing. ??????

  17. Hobo On Wheels
    Hobo On Wheels says:

    Body weight fluctuates depends on so many factors, any downward trend when you're looking for it is good, I've found weighing myself too often leads to obsession, so I rarely do.
    For me wearing the same size or smaller is my win when I shop for clothes.


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