Tuesday Talk | Trip to Victoria plus 3 Top Tips for a Better Sleep

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Tuesday Talk | Trip to Victoria BC plus 3 Top Tips for a Better Sleep! Best Tips for a Better Night Sleep: #1: Eat 1 tbsp butter before …

30 replies
  1. Karen
    Karen says:

    Hi Anita. Can you share your glucose and Ketones readings for informational and learning purposes? I’m interested to see how what you’re eating impacts the numbers and where you typically hang out to help me learn. Also, if you happen to have your numbers from before starting to now, that would be good to know too if you’re ok with sharing. Where are you able to get the Carnivore crisps from?

  2. Odette Robitaille
    Odette Robitaille says:

    Glad you had a great time with your kids and thanks for the tips,I already eat 1 tbsp butter before bed but didn’t know about the castor oil I just watch Kelly Hogan’s video and they also suggested the Epson salt soak,I have castor oil here because I had bought it to make tallow shampoo bars so I will try this

  3. 8Worship7Dancer
    8Worship7Dancer says:

    Hi Anita! Thanks for all the info you present to us, keeps us motivated! You mentioned Brisket Bacon! I don’t eat pork but want the beef bacon, but when I buy it from the butcher it doesn’t have much fat, seems almost like jerky! Can you do the video about how you make your Brisket Bacon!?? Please! Thanks you! I tried to buy beef belly to try to make it but no one has it at local butchers. So glad you had a great trip with your boys! Many Blessings! Mary

  4. Kimberly P
    Kimberly P says:

    It looks like you’re still making headway because you look radiant and vibrant! Made a picanha roast for the first time from your video last year and omgoodness is all I can say. And thank you of course! Love the genuine kindness that comes through your videos. Best to you always Anita❣

  5. Connie Joosten
    Connie Joosten says:

    Liking your new mic, you sound better. Also loving your hair and the waves and curls in this video. So sweet that you were able to spend that time with your Boys and their Families. My 2 children and all my grand babies are all local so I’m very lucky about that.

  6. Rebekah Low
    Rebekah Low says:

    I love the presents that your boys got you! I really love puzzles as well and 500 is a nice number. Often very doable. I would love to see how you make your brisket bacon! The scenery from the fairy was beautiful. Beautiful home that you stayed in! Thank you so much for the better sleeping tips. I had recently heard about the glasses, but it was helpful to hear you talk about them. I just ordered the glasses and they will be here on Saturday. I look forward to seeing how they help especially if I get up in the middle of the night to go to the little girls room. I often have trouble getting back to sleep too. Love from Vermont.

  7. Debbie Sue
    Debbie Sue says:

    You look great 🙂 Glad you had a fun time !! I once lived in a Victorian house in London that was built in 1886. It wasn't as spacious as that lovely home but had many of the same features. Thanks for sharing.

  8. rosalie jackson
    rosalie jackson says:

    I got the castor oil too, after the Kelly Hogan episode. I feel it is helping my sleep, but it hasn't helped at all with my bowl movements, which I was really wanting! I'm going to be getting the glasses!


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