Tuesday Talk | Modified Squats for Seniors (or Injuries!) | Squat Challenge | Wall Pushups

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Tuesday Talk | Modified Squats for Seniors (or Injuries!) | Squat Challenge 100 Per Day | Wall Pushups *NOTE* Get clearance …

34 replies
  1. Susan S
    Susan S says:

    I'm 77 and I've had two knee replacements and a hip replacement. Wow, 100 squats is a lot! My dog is now 14 with arthritis so he is so slow it has slowed my own walking. So delighted to have a senior example to watch. I get so tired of watching young athletic bodies which I will never be able to look like again. When I do the squats my knees actually crackle! I had been doing counter pushups. Does that use different muscles than the wall push ups?Thank you for this.

  2. Kim Rapp
    Kim Rapp says:

    Anita, I'm 66 and have had problems with my knees since I was a child. I've spent many years looking for exercises to address different 'weakness''. I finally found a young (to me 😏) man who addressed – with success – many of my issues. If you have the time, I would encourage you to check out the 'Knees Over Toes Guy'. Some very simple starting 'exercises' that have made me comfortable going up and down my basement stairs again without hanging on to the railing in fear of my knee buckling. He also has research backed reasons why – just as with nutrition – much of what we were taught about exercise was/is ummmm, let's just say, not quite correct. DDP yoga is also a good resource. I've seen him get disabled Veterans up out of their chairs. This is far too long already, so I need to stop. Good luck on your continued journey!

  3. Keto Mama
    Keto Mama says:

    Hello Anita 🌹happy belated Thanksgiving to you . Wow Anita you have really slimed down. So happy for you. 💕 I'm doing the lion diet this month I had a stall and I need more healing. Today is the 11th day in and its really not so bad . I have osteoarthritis in my knees so I know how much they can hurt. I do exercise mostly in my bed. Do weights also just trying to keep my body strong. Thanks for the tips .

  4. Hilary Wallace
    Hilary Wallace says:

    Hi Anita, I am 67 and really need to do these exercises. I have hip, knee, wrist arthritis and I put off exercises because of the pain. But am seeing a physio for some muscle strengthening and seeing your video today will motivate me to continue at home, Thank you 🙂

  5. Lisa Von
    Lisa Von says:

    I've been in pain (knees, shoulders, wrists and I'm 64 but moved like I was 94), and I began taking tumeric curcumin 3 weeks ago. Praise God, I feel like moving and exercising again! I'm going to do these exercises, thank you!

  6. bonnie sherwood
    bonnie sherwood says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I am 67 and teach 4 year olds all day, so am active that way, but really need to start actual exercises. I am bone on bone in one knee and have been having some major issues with that, but I need to stop making excuses! Thanks for the motivation!

  7. Renee Kennedy
    Renee Kennedy says:

    Good for you, Anita! Very inspirational! Love it! Motion is lotion they say! I'm going to check out the link you provided for the wall push ups, etc. Can't help but think of Jack LaLanne when I see this! 🏋‍♀🤸‍♀🏃‍♀

  8. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    I am not an exerciser BUT I do lifting for my job – I have to lift and move heavy boxes of frozen dough and frozen pastries as part of my job at the bakery so I don’t do a lot at home. I walk, sometimes, and I try and do some light weight work when I have time at home. BUT lifting so much at work I. have gotten quite muscular from it. I have been working there for 5 years now and been doing the lifting as part of it for about 4 years.

  9. Martha Love
    Martha Love says:

    I saw a hummingbird behind you!!!! Right before you started talking about your Mom!! 😊
    You don’t look awkward at all!! I’m sure you have encouraged someone with this video!!!
    You encouraged me to start when you were going to your exercise classes. I downloaded 2 different apps. A Palate and a Yoga app. Both started out very easy and have gotten more intense. I like the apps because they tell me what exercises to do so I don’t have to think about it or figure out what to do. I also like the app because I can do the exercises whenever I want!!

  10. Mary Simpson
    Mary Simpson says:

    Wonderful motivation!! I have been resistant to any form of excercise for several reasons….knee and hip pain, being grossly obese, non athletic, and just downright lazy. Nothing about getting out and moving interests me, unless it is out of necessity. But seeing you start this challenge despite having a knee injury has given me the courage to at least try it for thirty days. I never imagined sticking to a carnivore way of eating would be my ticket to better health, but I set a goal for thirty days with no cheating proved to myself I could honestly do it. I plan to make the same commitment to excercising.

  11. Amberley
    Amberley says:

    Anita, thank you for this video!! Maintaining independence as I age (I'm 52) is something thats been on my mind as I have started to notice a change in what I can do. We really take our mobility for granted. Although you felt uncomfortable showing us the exercises it was helpful to see. I really appreciate you including that footage as it will help me get started. Appreciate all that you do and you look freaking fantastic! ❤

  12. Cathy Hammond
    Cathy Hammond says:

    Oh, dear Anita, this video is so helpful! I am 75, and I agree about the importance of maintaining or even increasing our mobility as we age. I also do squats and sit-to-stands pretty much the same as you do. I will add weights when I stand now, although I only have a pair of three pound hand weights. I will watch and learn the wall push-ups. I am afraid to try anything that requires me to get down on the floor unless someone is with me in case I need help rising. You are wise and brave and kind; your beautiful example inspires. Thank you. ❤️🤗 (Cathy)


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