Tuesday Talk | June Results: Fails and Wins | July Plans

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24 replies
  1. Dawn Kennedy
    Dawn Kennedy says:

    I love you so much …when things are settled please take a look a dr.Schmidt’s advice he may push past 140 .You are right to look at your amazing successes. You inspire me so much , I am going to join your group cause I am so isolated .xoxoxo

  2. Kelly McVay
    Kelly McVay says:

    Actually, doctor Berry said in a recent interview if he could invent BBBE over again, He would include fatty fish, so have at the sardines guilt free and Berry approved 😅

  3. ItalianGoneCarnivore
    ItalianGoneCarnivore says:

    Hi Anita! Thanks for the update.. so good to hear how you continue to battle and persevere! Same here. Dairy is a tough one! And coffee.. for me, I gave it up for 4 months and then watched a Dr Cywes video on coffee. That encouraged me to have it again, and coupled with the sense of having everything slowly stripped away from me, I drank it again. I'm fine with 1 cup a day.
    I have always felt we had so much in common in our journey to health. Would love to chat with you!❤
    Blessings on your day.. and especially in preparation for your move! ❤

  4. Stephen Goad
    Stephen Goad says:

    My best wishes to you Anita with all that is going on lately. Life often throws us a curve ball. Having just got over a gout attack I suddenly got severe tendinitis and a further severe attack of gout and I have no idea what triggered those off! So my plans on sorting the garden went out of the window. So you are not alone with plans getting changed drastically. Best wishes to you.

  5. Maryna Murray
    Maryna Murray says:

    I'm 95% carnivore and I drink coffee with milk as I love my coffee way too much! I don't eat much cheese and if I do, I eat Feta as it's the lowest carb cheese. You are always a winner in my view!

  6. Deni M
    Deni M says:

    I am going to venture a guess of Alice and Kevin, as the carnivore couple that you may be interviewing. If I'm right, I'd be so happy; they are a wonderfully committed couple.

  7. Susan Shaver
    Susan Shaver says:

    Another success you had in June was your first interview – with Chris:) Good luck with the moves. I hate moving! My faves of your videos are the recipes:) Yes to hard boiled eggs in the fridge, sardines, frozen bacon (that was cooked in the oven)!

  8. Kimba P
    Kimba P says:

    You go girl! Be joyous always! Forward is still forward and is only propelled with joy and belief. Sucks you had to get sick, but you made it through and that is also forward. Stay the course and will keep sending you all good blessings. ✌🏽💚

  9. Amy Coleman
    Amy Coleman says:

    I feel like you moved into this lovely condo a few weeks ago. I know its been a little over a year. I wish I lived closer and could help you. Sending light and love your way.

  10. Mimiohnine
    Mimiohnine says:

    Why are we so concerned about cheese again? I’m real close to 6 months on carnivore lifestyle…aka PHD….and I’m 50 pounds down. Still have about 30 more to be 130 ish pounds. I don’t want to be ignorant about dairy so please teach me. You are an inspiration because I see myself in you. I’m 58 and sagging skin but feel so much better. Sleep is better, which is 100% worth no carbs and sugar! I should track my cheese consumption to garner an alarm. Sorry I ramble on and on. You rock my YouTube channel friend. ❤️‍🩹

  11. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    I watched your interview with Chris. Today I made his brioche buns and his potato salad. I made his mashed potatoes yesterday. I think I upgraded them. I am going to make a video on it when I can get my hands on the egg whites (I bought the wrong thing last night). I am doing a Carnivore-ish July.. I am allowing coffee, electrolytes and sparkling waters. It is not strict at all but I am omitting grains, most processed stuff, sweets (except Keto Chow and a bit of Stevia in my coffee). I am hoping to gain 5-8 lb back with 4-5 small meals.

  12. Ursula Dozier
    Ursula Dozier says:

    ANITA you’re such a loving and warm lady
    We follow you because of your absolute openness and tireless way to teach and instruct and creating the most delicious recipes
    I admire your success in giving up Coffee
    It is something I’m not willing to do I enjoy it too much
    I’ve given up so much already and this is a no go for me
    It is not only about the destination but about the Journey too
    You are loved by all of us
    Thank you

  13. Tracy Derrick
    Tracy Derrick says:

    Hello there l was wondering if we can order keto chow if living in Canada…l know you live in BC my favorite area in Canada please if you have a minute can you let me know thanks and l am happy for you on your next move good luck!


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