Trying out a goated seed… [Plate Up!]

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16 replies
  1. MJF
    MJF says:

    Very very very rarely is day 1 so difficult you can't do all your calls in the first frame of the day. Only if you have 1 table, and bad weather, and a dish that takes a long time. Otherwise you can survive day 1 and 2 full calling the second the day starts to maximize money. Because if you roll a research table day 1 you have to have called every person in order to afford it (This is probably different in multi or depending on dish, but in solo that's always what I've found)

  2. pp_tomato20
    pp_tomato20 says:

    "Today I went to this amazing restaurant called "In Pie We Crust" (the name is a bit weird, idk what it means). At this place there was this absolutely AMAZING veggie pie and an EVEN MORE AMAZING Meat pie :o. I'm happy that I had a good, normal experience with nothing on fire, no white sticky stuff on the floor and the restaurant didn't close down halfway through my meal." widepeepoHappy


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