Trying Japanese Fruit Sandos | Trends With Context

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25 replies
  1. regularperson
    regularperson says:

    These sandwiches confuse me. I was never a fan of fruit salads and these seem to just be three ingredients, bread, fruit and whipped cream. Fruit is fruit and milk bread i'm sure is just really sweet like hawaiian bread but just combining them it seems so basic. I mean arranging them to look pretty, that doesn't affect taste. They don't seem AMAZING.

  2. Lisa Hinton
    Lisa Hinton says:

    9:16 – Does anyone know the name of the little heart-shaped crackers? They are so cute and I'd love to purchase some at the Asian market nearby, and use them as a decoration for a present I am making for a Japanese friend. Thanks so much!

  3. JadeAylaSims
    JadeAylaSims says:

    Hey Beryl! I've got a video idea which I hope you like! 😁 I, like many other people, absolutely love baklava. But there are so many different versions of it! With pistachio, with chocolate, etc. So perhaps it would be fun for people to share their family recipes of baklava? 😁

  4. Najaa Yusoff
    Najaa Yusoff says:

    The kaki-no-tane reminds me of our version of seasoned packed snack, which we call 'kacang putih', believed to have been brought here by Indian laborers during British colonisation. Murukku and an assortment of nuts, beans and lentils are fried and seasoned before they're packaged and make for a convenient travel snack. There's a huge variety and and can be mixed and matched like trail mix. My personal favorite is spiced ground nuts and green peas, which I consume by the handful if I could get my hands on them.

  5. Christina Matzen
    Christina Matzen says:

    They gentleman in Japan making the sandos said it was a cream cheese mixture then called it whipped cream at the end. I wonder if it would be better if it was a whipped cream/cream cheese mixture?


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