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Been craving hotpot so I tried 2 different instant self-cooking hotpots from Chinese supermarkets. Also telling the story about the most painful video I have ever …

24 replies
  1. Zystus
    Zystus says:

    I just tried this with my wife and it was freaking disgusting. Leaves a chemical taste with numbing sensation in your mouth. We literally threw it away after eating 1/3 of it. Blehhhh, can still taste it in my mouth.🤮🤮🤮

  2. hkhkhk654321
    hkhkhk654321 says:

    I would suggest don't have processed meat from developing countries… saw this documentary from China where they use cat, dog, rat meat to make these sausages and spam… I won't take the chance.

  3. Kage Oashj
    Kage Oashj says:

    I would hate to experience the spiciest pepper in the world going up my esophagus kissing my windpipe and introducing itself to my nose while I have no napkins or water to properly clean myself from the liquid burning the skin on my face

  4. Judith S. de Cipponeri
    Judith S. de Cipponeri says:

    Mikey I got a beef hot pot from Hi since it wasn't spicy, my son loves it… We got a second one and added raw shrimps , fresh white mushroom (the tall one) and pack choi and cooked it allong within the 15 min sugested in the instructions… it worked just perfect

  5. Urnkip
    Urnkip says:

    a few years back i bought a instant hotpot pack thinking it was ramen cuz i didnt know instant hotpot was a thing and i tried eating as if it were ramen biggest mistake of my life

  6. Hello Goodbye
    Hello Goodbye says:

    It is so crazy and mind boggling to know items we have in the states that we consider poor man food and foods that are extremely cheap. In Japanese and Chinese culture those items are delicacies. Just think about it Spam, Vienna Sausages, and Ramen Noodles. That is so crazy to me, they love spam and noodles and those items they charge as a meal. Im in Alabama packages of Ramen Noodles are like .30 each Vienna sausages are like 4 for a $1.00 and Spam is like $1.10 a can. Thats just sum to think about


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