Trying Hai Di Lao DIY Hot Pot!

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You can eat hot pot at home!? I found this amazing DIY at home hot pot from Hai Di Lao(海底捞)here in Shenzhen at the supermarket. It gives you all the …

47 replies
  1. keith saha
    keith saha says:

    Great video. I think everyone is missing the point. Its not for home or a restaurant alternative. Thats why there is chopsticks and heating bags…Its for the mountains, the woods, for camping, for trains for places where there is no hot water, or cutlery! Just bought one in Liverpool UK and of course Im going to eat it……… home!!!!! 🙂 lol

  2. Ryan Flores
    Ryan Flores says:

    Its pricy because of the name brand. Hai Di Lao is a known chain so that's why it's pricey. If you had brought a generic instant hot pot it would cost around 8 bucks. In the US generic one is 8 dollars the Hai Di Lao one is 12.50. Its cheaper to buy the Hai Di Lao soup base and buy the meats and veg on side.

  3. xMz Lê
    xMz Lê says:

    eating hot pot at home is easy. just get a portable stove, use a normal or dual pot and just purchase pre-made stock/broth and just have regular raw ingredients. lol ez

  4. J Orr
    J Orr says:

    I had a variation of this…. WHOOOO IT'S SPICY!!!! I mean there's spicy….. and there's lip tingling mouth on fire spicy…. this is definitely LIP tingling… if you have a blocked nose and a cold…. get into this!!!!

  5. sharonipwni
    sharonipwni says:

    Saw one of these in the supermarket and had to buy it since it seemed so gimmicky! I wanted to see how to make it first since I can't read the instructions, thanks for the great video and instructions! Seems it would be great camping or if your in an Airbnb or something away from home where you don't have a kitchen or no reliable access to food delivery.

  6. My Thai Kitchen
    My Thai Kitchen says:

    First of all, that noodles is way too raw to call pre-cooked. It just raw noodles and that’s not gourd but rather lotus roots. Green stuff is kelp or Kombu seaweed. White vegetable is potato slices. 🙂

  7. Cucucucu803
    Cucucucu803 says:

    Great! Thank you so much!!! I bought two of them at the airport out of curiosity when I left China.
    I was wondering how to do it. Great video and very clear and good explanation. Looking forward to tasting it soon!


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