Trying Chickpea Banza Pasta

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Looking for a gluten-free pasta alternative? Or are you interested in upping your plant-based protein intake in the form of delicious pasta? Banza can help!

7 replies
  1. Coccinella
    Coccinella says:

    What a nightmare!!!
    I placed my order on June 24th: 12 deodorants.
    After placing the order, I asked them not to mention the word "Lucky Vitamin" on the package because Customs in Italy would hold the package thinking it's some pills or something else you cannot get in Europe and is forbidden.
    They told me they couldn't because as good Americans, they always know better than others.
    Sure enough, the package got hold at customs on July 2nd and I haven't received anything yet. We are November 23rd now!!!
    They don't want to deal with customs and tell me I should call them, which of course is impossible!
    Communication with Alisha the "Happy Wellness Ambassador" is like spitting in the wind. I sent many emails and she doesn't help at all!
    They don't want to send me the money back because they want the package back, which I don't have.
    It's a real nightmare!!!!
    Don't ever buy anything with them if you don't live in the USA! Trust me, you will regret it!!!


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