Trying a commercial Organic weedkiller and BBQ rub prep (Ep 271)

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We try an organic weedkiller from a local farmer on the cave roof. Chris explains how he brines a chicken, makes his BBQ Rub, …

8 replies
  1. @julieorr9975
    @julieorr9975 says:

    Oh goodie! I’m glad she found the ladybugs. The only weird thing I’ve heard about them is that sometimes they will nest in your attic or outbuildings in large numbers. Some people are freaked out about that. I have never had that happen to me or have seen it personally but thought I would mention it

  2. @paulinestevens9351
    @paulinestevens9351 says:

    pungent smelling plants such as rosemary or nastertium help to deter aphids, as well as hopefully attracticting things that will eat the aphids such as ladybirds or lacewings if you have them there. I also read using peppermint essential oil in water as a spray helps. 🥰

  3. @sarahadkins6315
    @sarahadkins6315 says:

    I do the soapy water bought a cheep pump sprayer for it. Have thought about putting down a weed barrier cloth then fine pebble crushed rock we do that here in New Mexico and then put sand stone paths and terracotta planters to control weeds but create our garden havens. Adding a few benches for relaxing.

  4. @sharonwhyler9942
    @sharonwhyler9942 says:

    Thank you Chris for the brining of the chicken recipe. I shall definitely be trying that. As for the Chimichurri, we used to frequent an Argentine restaurant when we lived in Catral. The lady made amazing Chimichurri but would never tell me what was in it so thank you Lillian's Mum! So excited to at last have the recipe 😊 😋 ❤


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