Trash digestives? And farty veg!

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Let’s talk feedback on the LA vlog and cook things 🙂

10 replies
  1. Dead See Life
    Dead See Life says:

    You have no idea how much your lives have been getting me through my own shit.
    I hope your first day back to work was chill. Whenever you’re ready to go live again…we’ll all be there. Thanks for making some of us feel like we’re all normal for being sad. ❤️

  2. Crushi: Artist, Producer & Musician
    Crushi: Artist, Producer & Musician says:

    My mom is always saying that her horrible mom will outlive her. It's not possible. She's 99, my mom is less than that about 20 some years. Grammy is going before my mom. It's just the way it is. I don't hate my Grand Mom, she fed me… but my mother does hate her mom, exponentially. BTW, we are all the same being. What you believe doesn't mean it's real. It's just a thought, a hall way you go down when you feel like your dying. It's not real. Your thoughts are not real. Only your reality is real. And please eat. Like a vampire eats blood. Feed when you need to feed.

  3. Nicky N
    Nicky N says:

    I hope your viewers learn from your regrets. If your mother always helped others, she maybe didn't have regrets (of the kind you might be having on her behalf). Perhaps she always did what she could for others because that is a very comfortable position to be in, a wonderful, satisfying life to live. My mother died a few years ago at a similar age. It was a horrible death. However, if she taught me anything, it is that being kind, being unselfish is what matters most in a life well-lived. Your mom probably wishes she were still around to help you now. And she knows what you are like–most likely. You may not have always done what you should have or think you should have. But she probably understood anyway: you are part of her: she would know.  

    We need to cherish the people in our lives: that is all. We don't get do-overs. But we can begin now. Peace and courage to all who need it. And apologies if I misheard, misunderstood, or presumed too much.

  4. Jane Liester
    Jane Liester says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your life and moments. You are a brave beautiful soul, June I love your expressionism’s. Be true to to you and only you, well maybe to Freddie as well. He is too cute.

  5. N. M.
    N. M. says:

    Dear June,

    1) I don’t think you are being mean. You are honest and direct setting necessary boundaries and expectations. Kudos for that.

    2) My belief is we never truly get over our grief , we just learn how to deal with it over time, and the pain softens or at least becomes less raw

    3) We always have regrets if we truly love, because we are imperfect humans and wish we loved perfectly. But you and your Mom loved each other deeply, no matter disagreements or fights. No question she knew and knows your love and sorrow. Her mother’s heart would want your sorrow comforted, but in the right time for your healing, not on everybody else’s timetable

    4) When we are emotionally and physically worn out it easy to have a short fuse because … there are no resources left to deal with one more thing. But I have seen your wonderful laughter at the ridiculousness of situations that would cause others to melt down. You have a beautiful, wacky and kind sense of humor. That will help you the next time you find a prune in a shoe

    5) People always say , “It will get better.” That is true. It is also true there are times it gets worse, and then better, and then … well, you are right when you say this is life and we will have suffering. You will also have joy, laughter, sadness, struggle, hope, and more love one day.

    6) I wish for you someone completely in your corner who has your back and wants only what is best for you.

    7) Please be gentle with yourself. You are a good person and the world can be plenty harsh


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