Traditional Irish Scones – EASY Home Baking Recipe!

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Nothing beats a good scone and enjoyed still warm from the oven with butter and jam, it’s one of life’s finer pleasures. This recipe works a treat and can be …

25 replies
  1. Brian Eduardo
    Brian Eduardo says:

    Saw you on the pier in Howth this morning Donal wheeling the pram it was pretty cold… you are related to a first cousin of mine and you are his double love your programmes and videos… can't be easy for you at the present time – take care

  2. TreeHugnHipi
    TreeHugnHipi says:

    my mouth is watering….gotta go preheat the oven! oh yea. it's scones with the long o, otherwise there would not be an "e" at the end…english grammar haunts me….and butter and jam, but of course….hi from southern cali, donal! love what's happening with your salt and peppa hair…

  3. Frances Macfarlane
    Frances Macfarlane says:

    Were I'm from we say scones emphasis on the o as in the letter not the sound o. I have eaten them with proper Clotted cream jam on top, jam then then clotted cream. In NZ we tend to use butter and Jam or whipped Cream on Jam

  4. AnaxErik4ever
    AnaxErik4ever says:

    Nom nom, scones are a classic baked good, not just at tea time but all other times too. I'm so glad cooking channels have seen an increase in viewers, would-be bakers and veterans alike looking for recipes to try. Hmm… despite eating lunch while watching this, I'm feeling like a scone and tea right now.

  5. Happy TX
    Happy TX says:

    I will make these! These are the southern biscuits kissing cousins. Most scones you get in the USA are a terrible cake like mess. Biscuits out of a can are also gross. I will get off my high horse now. I enjoy your channel. Thanks


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