Top IKEA Kitchen Accessories to BUY and Avoid!

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I went to Ikea to show you my favorite kitchen accessories to buy right now in February 2023 AND the ones to definitely avoid!

33 replies
  1. lopezfam
    lopezfam says:

    Dios Bendiga a Todos los que estan leyendo esto! Deseo que tengan un hermoso dia! Buscad a Dios mientras Pueda Ser Hallado! Jesus Es El camino y El Unico Camino Hacia Dios y Regresa pronto! Recuerda cuando te sientas que no eres amado… El Mayor Sacrificio Se Hizo Por Amor! EL SUICIDIO NUNCA ES LA RESPUESTA!

    Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.
    S. Juan 3:16 RVR1960

    La paga del pecado es muerte (infierno) pero Cristo Pagó nuestra deuda en la Cruz para nuestra Salvacion! Debemos volvernos a Dios y apartarnos de nuestros caminos pecaminosos, confesar que Jesús Es El Señor y Creer con nuestro corazón Que Fue Resucitado de entre los muertos Por Dios, y debemos De Ser Bautizados En El nombre Del Padre, Del Hijo y Del Espíritu Santo y Vivir Por Su Palabra y Mandamientos! Confía que Dios Ayudara con El Resto!

    Busca a Dios, antes de que sea muy tarde! Hoy podria ser tu ultimo dia en la tierra!

    A Dios Sea La Gloria Por Siempre Y Para Siempre, Amen!

  2. lopezfam
    lopezfam says:

    God Bless anyone reading this! Hope you have an awesome day! Seek God while you can! Jesus Is The way And The Only Way To God And He Is Returning Soon! Whenever you think you aren't loved… Remember The Ultimate Sacrifice Was Done For Love! ENDING YOUR LIFE IS NEVER THE ANSWER!

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
    John 3:16 KJV

    The wages of sin is death (hell) but Jesus Paid our debt on the Cross, for our Salvation! We must turn to God and away from our sinful ways, Confess Jesus Is Lord and Believe with our hearts that He Was Risen from the dead, By God, and we must Be Baptized In The Name Of The Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit and Live By His word and Commandments! Trust that God will help with the rest!

    Seek God today before it's too late! Today could be your last day on earth!

    To God Be The Glory Forever and Always, Amen!

  3. Nicole Adler
    Nicole Adler says:

    Great reviews it thing is you talk about things being stainless steel but worrying it will rust …. Generally stainless ste will not rust unless it has a high chromium content. Generally Ikea stainless stell does not rust. I have items 30 years old with no rust including the egg slicer. Hope this helps. Food grade stainless tell is generally low or no chromium.

  4. Jane Martin
    Jane Martin says:

    I've only been in one IKEA store and hated it. It was like a maze that you had to start at one point and walk through the entire store before you got to the checkout. The things they sell really don't appeal to me. I guess the younger people like it. My niece likes to stop in Pittsburg when she goes home to pick up things. My favorite part was the cafeteria! The kitchen cabinets were interesting but not my style. All I know is I was worn out when I finally got to the end.

  5. Lexie Lou
    Lexie Lou says:

    I absolutely love the blue bags you use at IKEA to carry your stuff in. I buy them in bulk, lol. For only 99¢ they are great for hauling in your groceries in one haul that I actually keep a couple rolled up with a rubber band in my car, for hauling up the laundry instead of using a hard bulky basket, there are just so many uses for them. The price point is unbeatable for the size too.

  6. Lexie Lou
    Lexie Lou says:

    👏👏 I think this is one of the first times I've seen a YouTuber be openly honest of how they feel the products are. You can tell Ikea is not sponsoring you cause girl, you didn't hold back on the negativity towards these products and for that I thank you. Too often content creators know that if they don't give glowing reviews, they won't be approached to receive free stuff for their reviews. I mean, it's only natural that a company is gonna seek out the gal who's always sunny and always claims everything is AMAZING when the reality is that the product is just subpar. So thank you for keeping it real. Thanks for also giving your reasons as to why a product doesn't meet your standards, i.e. it has room for bacteria to grow, it's very thin metal, flimsy. I appreciate your honesty so here's a big 🤗 and a thank you

  7. Today in Jen's Sewing Room
    Today in Jen's Sewing Room says:

    Just some thoughts: 1-the salad spinner is terrible. It's really hard to get it to spin with that little knob. Spend a little more somewhere else and get a proper crank. 2-Sockerbit buckets – skip those and get them at Dollar Tree for $1.25 in tons of colors. 3-glass food containers with bamboo lids – I love these but I wouldn't recommend putting either the lid or the plastic (silicone?) gasket in the dishwasher. They do make plastie lids that snap on and even some silicone ones that will stick magically, but I don't recommend those. I love these containers because it gets us away from plastic. I agree with you on pretty much anything glass.

  8. Kitty March
    Kitty March says:

    SAMLA has separate clips to hold the lids onto the box. Kind of a pain because they are very tight fitting and it can be hard to get them off. However, this means that they actually keep moths out! I use SAMLA to store my yarn stash and woolens in a very old and moth prone house.

    So I don’t know that they are a recommend in general, but if moths are an issue, they are fantastic.

  9. PJ Schmid
    PJ Schmid says:

    I know you skated by the oven mitts section but there are a pair of oven mitts from IKEA that I absolutely love. They are short silicone mitts which are perfect for taking hot things out of the microwave. Especially when things have boiled over in the microwave and they’re messy; the silicone cleans up really easily and since they’re short they dry quickly. I use them practically every day for taking things out of the microwave picking up hot pot lids they’re just perfect. You can use them for taking things out of the oven you just have to be a little bit more careful to not hit the rack with the top of your arm.

  10. Winston Leg-Thigh
    Winston Leg-Thigh says:

    Thank you for another excellent video.
    I was wondering where you stand on the Instant Pot Pro Crisp.. My local kitchen appliances shop has the Pro Crisp + airfryer and the Duo Crisp + airfryer at discounted prices, though they only have them around 8 quart(I live in a dormitory).
    They also have two Instant pot alternatives; the OBH Nordica(Tefal) Turbo Cuisine, that's around 4 quart and a fancy airfryer version(Turbo Cuisine Fry-multicooker) that's around 8 quart.

  11. De
    De says:

    I've been buying those ice cream scoops for years. Never had one break, just have a bunch of them. Something about the way they're shaped, they scoop hard ice cream better than any other scoop I've tried.

  12. Alison Scurr
    Alison Scurr says:

    I had to mute this and put subtitles on because you were talking quietly and the music and background noise of the store was so loud. There was also a noise every minute or so that sounded like a door banging that made me jump. I love Ikea so thank you for the walk through.


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