Top Foods That Bloat You (Stomach and Face Bloating)

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41 replies
  1. Daniel Nicodemus
    Daniel Nicodemus says:

    Thanks you for the information. It’s a shame you have to verbally say you did not harm or torture animals (your 🐶) in this video. These over sensitive cancel culture crybabies are watching 😂

  2. Lydia Jipripal
    Lydia Jipripal says:

    The only part that bloat is my stomach I really really hate it I only eat one meal a day4 hours before bed I exercise for 2 hours every day i do abs exercises for 1 hour but why oh god i hate this belly so much

  3. red Indian
    red Indian says:

    Thomas I would like to thank you for your video and advice. I thank God for you. I have lost 40 pounds in almost 3.5 months via keto diet, Intermittent fasting, your video , your food and grocery suggestions. I am now competing in MMA and successful at my career in the healthcare industry.

  4. Dave Mattia
    Dave Mattia says:

    PLEASE LISTEN TO ME: Eat only food you prepare from scratch and add NO SALT. It's way healthier and far less expensive. Eat NOTHING that's already made or processed. Processed food contains vast amounts of salt to make it taste better. EXAMPLE: Campbell's soup contains more salt than seawater. NUTRI SYSTEM and frozen meals like it – should be banned as dangerous. The same applies to almost everything you buy that is processed. You will get used to unsalted food. Within a month, other people's food will taste like seawater to you. Then you will understand how salty everything you ate once was. Unless you work a hard job were you sweat or you participate in heavy duty workouts or vigorous sports, daily use of a sprinkle of salt on your food will put 10 pounds of useless water on you – there is no getting around that– no exceptions except rare diseases. Salt is salt – it is a chemical compound – no matter what kind of foo-foo Himalayan name you give it. Sodium/water retention or excretion is part of a bodily function based on the hormones RENIN, ANGIOTENSIN and ALDOSTERONE – this is the complicated process by which the kidneys signal the hypothalamus (brain) which signals the pituitary and then back to the kidneys. There is NO NEED TO ADD SALT to your food. In the year 2021, there is no such thing as being sodium deficient. There are tribes in Africa who have zero traces of salt in their diets. They are happy and healthy, but doctors can't understand how they are even alive. Yes, there are weird instances when you can die from lack of salt – like really bad diarrhea and things like that, but in situations like that, you are also losing other electrolytes. Trust me, there is enough natural sodium in a healthy diet and your brain knows it. Any extra salt, unless you sweat it out, will make you hold onto a lot of water, raise your blood pressure and make you look fat. I know that preparing your lean meals from scratch is a pain, but reward yourself when you go to a restaurant – but even then – find things with no salt or ask ,"NO SALT PLEASE." Also, drink one glass (4oz) of red wine (Merlot or Cabernet) and then drink at least one big glass of water with your dinner. Take small does magnesium – $3.99 at Walgreens. Dandelion greens, spinach, kale, will get your potassium on. You can take a supplement but buy the lowest dose.

  5. Bob Dolemite
    Bob Dolemite says:

    I searched "hummus farts" and I received a kim chi brocolli recipe. Can't say I regret that google search. Thank you, algorithm! [genuinely excited about fermenting vegetables in general, not trolling]

  6. Alice Ludlow
    Alice Ludlow says:

    Hi! Daughter and I are on Keto. As the elder, I'm ok. But daughter is suffering with diphaticulitis. Hope I spelled it correct. Strawberries and seeded veggies seem to be the problem. Any tips to keep ketoing.


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