Top 5 foods I wish I knew about sooner | hiking camping backpacking meals recipes

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Come along as we dig into the pantry for some great ingredients to pack along. I wish I would have known about these sooner.

10 replies
  1. Dan's KLR Vids
    Dan's KLR Vids says:

    Great list – I bought soy sauce powder when you first mentioned it and we were all amazed that it tastes just like soy sauce! One additional item I’ve had good luck with – citric acid. It’s so useful for adding an acid component, has light citrus taste, is available in every community and store where canning supplies are sold, and it’s a lightweight powder.

  2. Kerri Thompson
    Kerri Thompson says:

    The Hydrate stuff from Laird, I think, is being discontinued. Hopefully not and they are just changing their design like they did with a bunch of their other stuff. Great product though.

  3. Andy
    Andy says:

    Don’t just stop at Sumac, explore all of the spices of Africa, Middle East, and Asia. My spice cabinet is not just a shelf it fills the entire cabinet!


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