Top 3 revelations in Stormy Daniels' testimony! PLUS Carl Benjamin (@SargonofAkkad) | Will Cain Show

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Today’s show… 🎙️ Carl Benjamin (AKA Sargon of Akkad): Founder and co-host of Lotus Eaters; Host of @SargonOfAkkad on …

50 replies

    1. Trump clearly has an unhealthy "DAUGHTER FANTASY"🤮🤮🤮
    2. Trump doesnt believe in condoms or personal safety. So it hard to trust him with mine.
    3. Trump likes to dress like "LIBERACE" and have rolled up magazines used on him in unspeakable ways 🤮🤮🤮

  2. @BradleyGearhart
    @BradleyGearhart says:

    Been a fan of Carl for a long time. Don't always agree with him but he tends to be principled in his actions and willing to engage in almost any debate.

    He's absolutely correct regarding America's philosophical and national roots tracing back to England. I believe Americans could also gain from moving away from a proposition government, where everyone is seen as equally American. He's accurate in pointing out how this contributes to a society with low levels of trust.

  3. @cherriedement4917
    @cherriedement4917 says:

    I'm sorry this stormy woman is just about as creepy as the p** lawyer that is, in jail and this other cat that was the fixer.Oh no these are just bad.People is equal solace.Selfish I pray for this country that these people just go away

  4. @troysatterfield8817
    @troysatterfield8817 says:

    STORY=STORMY & Unfortunately hers have a lot of holes 🤔 And her testimony Sounds great. Until Americans hear and read it.And like most of the Democrats it's either a lie or filibuster Or a fairytale Every time
    Come on can't people see what's going on here

  5. @zanyrumon5156
    @zanyrumon5156 says:

    Climate-induced migration is a highly complex issue which needs to be understood as part of global migration dynamics. Migration typically has multiple causes, and environmental factors are intertwined with other social and economic factors, which themselves can be influenced by environmental changes. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) recognized that climate change and environmental harm frequently “interact with other drivers of displacement” that fit into the established refugee definition. Will Cain is not the brain trust you should be looking to for good information ❤ on mass human migration

  6. @zanyrumon5156
    @zanyrumon5156 says:

    Few existing international frameworks and regional and domestic legal regimes provide adequate protection to climate migrants. However, as the UN Dispatch noted, "people who have been uprooted because of climate change exist all over the world — even if the international community has been slow to recognize them as such." As a result, climate migration has been described as "the world's silent crisis", contrasting its global pervasiveness with its lack of recognition and investigation. Estimates on climate-related displacement vary, but all point to an alarming trend. The most common projections estimate around 200 million people will be displaced by climate-related disasters by 2050. Some even estimate up to 1 billion migrants by 2050, but these take ecological threats, including conflict and civil unrest as well as disasters into account.

  7. @zanyrumon5156
    @zanyrumon5156 says:

    Climate change gives rise to migration on a large, global scale. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that an average of 20 million people are forcibly displaced to other areas in countries all over the world by weather-related events every year Climate-related disasters disproportionately affect marginalized populations, who are often facing other structural challenges in climate-vulnerable regions and countries As a result, climate-related disasters are often described as a threat multiplier that compounds crises over time and space. The 2021 White House Report on the Impact of Climate Change on Migration underscored the multifaceted impacts of climate change and climate-related migration, ranging from destabilizing vulnerable and marginalized communities, exacerbating resource scarcity, to igniting political tension.

  8. @zanyrumon5156
    @zanyrumon5156 says:

    Climate migration is a subset of climate-related mobility that refers to movement driven by the impact of sudden or gradual climate-exacerbated disasters, such as "abnormally heavy rainfalls, prolonged droughts, desertification, environmental degradation, or sea-level rise and cyclones". Gradual shifts in the environment tend to impact more people than sudden disasters. The majority of climate migrants move internally within their own countries, though a smaller number of climate-displaced people also move across national borders.

  9. @zanyrumon5156
    @zanyrumon5156 says:

    Donald Trump’s social media company Trump Media managed to go public last week only after it had been kept afloat in 2022 by emergency loans provided in part by a Russian-American businessman under scrutiny in a federal insider-trading and money-laundering investigation.

  10. @annebreitrick6116
    @annebreitrick6116 says:

    There was a time I'd attend The Festival of Nations. Music and Dance groups from all cultures took turns performing on stage, showcasing regional dances in beautiful costumes. All were unique, as was their culture. Rejoice and acknowledge our differences.

  11. @craigthompson7956
    @craigthompson7956 says:

    One good thing happened is R. F. K junior has worms in his head. So we know he's not gonna be in the way of Biden. Becoming President once again like the republicans wanted to put him in there so he can take some votes. The worms took care of him.

  12. @user-yn4nd5ns3b
    @user-yn4nd5ns3b says:

    Анекдот про изнасилование Трампом.
    Судья спросил Дональда:Ты на что позарился?; Дональд ему:Я хотел,чтобы она,как в Москве шлюхи, на меня пописала ..;Судья:И всё?;Трамп:Да.А я импотент.Как я мог её изнасиловать?У жены моей спросите – я в то время страдал импотенцией!;Судья:А что она сделала?Пописала на Вас?; Дональд:У неё оказывается, проблемы с мочеиспусканием.Она мимо пописала.Ну я ей и не заплатил.Вот почему она на меня наезжает.Даже пописать не смогла ,промахнулась!За что платить?Она итак на ходу писает оказывается ..А я платить должен?;

  13. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    If only our like really smart very stable genius orange Jesus wasn't such a sloppy criminal and capable of keeping his tiny orange sticky fingers out of women's cookie jars, we wouldn't have to send all our hard earned money to his criminal defense fund. 🖐✋🖐

  14. @MagaCult-ps9xr
    @MagaCult-ps9xr says:

    🥂🍻 Melania don't like Trumps small mushroom 🍄🤏🏻🤭💯🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Vote Joe Biden for president save America 🇺🇲 2024 💙Trump for lifetime sentence in prison 👍


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