TOP 25 Christmas Family Traditions

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One thing you might not know about us is that we LOVE Christmas especially Christmas Traditions! If you need some new ones or just need a refresher of things …

47 replies
  1. Jill Wyzywany
    Jill Wyzywany says:

    Angel trees are an out reach or fellowship of prison ministry. It’s to benefit the family and children of parents who are in jail.
    The program is more than 30 years old and has a very inspirational story

  2. Chris Kiley
    Chris Kiley says:

    We are Instant Pot newbies and we stumbled upon your channel. Thanks for all the great ideas! Merry Christmas! Oh Instant Pot where have you been all my life!

  3. Julia Lucas
    Julia Lucas says:

    Our family traditions are – go for a drive and look at Christmas lights. Christmas morning before we open gifts we read the story of Christ's birth from the Bible. Thank you for sharing your traditions

  4. Liz Miller
    Liz Miller says:

    I think everyone wishes we had a family like yours. Keeping up family traditions isn’t easy, even for small families, but, they’re so special. I’m so impressed with your family traditions. I wish I had family traditions like yours growing up! Great memories! 🥰🎄😇

  5. marianne day
    marianne day says:

    Love all these traditions! The book, “A Stable in Bethlehem” was written by a lady in my ward, growing up. She was my husband’s early morning seminary teacher.

  6. Lisa Broom
    Lisa Broom says:

    Thanks for sharing such beautiful traditions! It is refreshing to hear how "normal" families experience Christmas. I come from a very dysfunctional family and don't have many traditions. Just know how lucky you are to have had these experiences with your family and have been able to continue them and pass them on to your children! God Bless and Merry Christmas!

  7. Janis Bukstein
    Janis Bukstein says:

    How big of a container of the mashmellow fluff for the andies candies mint fudge? You gave all the measurements for everything else. Please answer i want to make it correct. Thanks love you and your family

  8. Glynis Rogers
    Glynis Rogers says:

    I love all of your ideas, especially the crazy dinner! That could be a lot of fun. I wanted to let people know that the CDC has confirmed that it IS OK for us to share foods with friends and neighbors, so if you want to cook something and deliver to someone it is Covid safe. No need to worry about the virus hanging out in the cookies or foods. One thing we like to do, since I have teens, is we drive into the city and look at lights there! It is always fun to see the shop windows and how the sporting arenas are lit up. We also pack up some sandwiches in case we see some homeless people that look like they might need something to eat. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah everyone!!

  9. Yvette Robb
    Yvette Robb says:

    I love all your traditions. You also gave me some ideas to start in our home. I really like the idea of the meal for a family and cards for the elderly 💞💞

  10. Sharon Noonan
    Sharon Noonan says:

    Your cookies look like a loft house type cookie, which I love….mind sharing the recipe…I have tried some I have found online, but not pleased with any of them…
    P.S. never mind…found the recipe in one of your previous videos…..yay!

  11. Rebecca Biddix
    Rebecca Biddix says:

    To my children, there Grandfather "Peeps was Santa. He gave them advent calendars, took them shopping, everything. I know how much they miss that, so now, I try to be that for my grandchildren. We bake cookies, on Christmas Eve we sing carols together as a family, and have very special food. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  12. Michele Soto
    Michele Soto says:

    I’ve learned a trick from the Salvation Army to prevent parents returning clothing for cash for something else.
    They suggest cutting all the tags out of the new garments. It’s a very sad & big problem here, they are signing up kids and then returning the gifts for money in for drugs.

    Awesome list!! We had a few but not that many! Now we go to Disney a d I decorate a little in our room & DH’s office.
    Looking forward to trying out the awesome recipes!!

  13. Wes Jackson
    Wes Jackson says:

    OMG Kristen. It's really not a good idea to show pictures/videos of your children on social media. That being said, I love most of the recipes that you show on your channel. I also think you have some great traditions.


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